Episode 11 - Post Jan 2019
January was a busy month at Basho & Tell HQ, but we are back with a SUPER SIZED episode covering everything that happened before and during the January tournament.
Join us for an episode full of upsets and injuries!
Send your questions to https://twitter.com/frankiExtra or https://twitter.com/DaMoonRulz or https://twitter.com/BashoAndTell
Sumo Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gx_R_x7iuvf9cBRHmrSHQ
Sumopedia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-qysIuwFAo&list=PL3gh8X4dSmUB72HKrQldb4ziq4rlWyLRk
Jason's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JasonsinJapan
Thanks to twitter.com/Veldrin for our Album art!
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