Episode 12 - Pre March 2019
Basho and Tell is back just in time for the March Basho, but before we talk predictions and expectations Eric walks us trough what exactly is elder stock? Can we buy it? Can it be used as down payment for a restaurant? We find out all this and more
Send your questions to https://twitter.com/frankiExtra or https://twitter.com/DaMoonRulz or https://twitter.com/BashoAndTell
Sumo Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gx_R_x7iuvf9cBRHmrSHQ
Sumopedia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-qysIuwFAo&list=PL3gh8X4dSmUB72HKrQldb4ziq4rlWyLRk
Jason's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JasonsinJapan
Thanks to twitter.com/Veldrin for our Album art!
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