Teenagers With Attitude
Zack to Action
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Season 02
RSS: http://www.audioentropy.com/twa/?category=MMPR2&format=rss
We finish up the MMPR movie but begin with talk of a successful extra life stream, an UNSUCCESSFUL crabbing attempt, and Roger Ebert's delicious hatred for the Power rangers.
Then we move onto nearly an our of discussing why the zords look so bad. Plus, evil high fives, Finnster's undercover cop stint, Care bear stares, and everyone's favorite button.
For part 2 of the Movie, Greg joins us to talk about horrifying goldar faces, sexy barbarian ladies, falcon kicks, and powdered coffee creamer.
We also discuss the part of the movie noone likes: The ninjetti quest for the "Great Power", Ivan Ooze's mastery of disguises, the propensity of Angel Grove parents to just shove their hands in anything that looks suspicious, and fun fire experiments the whole family can enjoy!
Join us and to discuss The first part of the original MMPR film!
Before we begin we discuss the new Power Rangers HyperForce RPG and our excitement at seeing Bulk finally be a ranger, talk about the inequitable Zord distribution in Ninja Steel, and get a very sleepy Lucas to give us his power rangers news.
Then with that out of the way we talk about our divisive opinions on Ivan Ooze, and the movie suits, and our absolutely non-divided opinions on the rockin soundtrack, extremely misplaced sound effects, and Aisha's special, special powers.
This week Mike is back as host, Guest Ryan returns after the Jebediah incident, and new guest Cassandra joins us to watch an episode where everyone is so competent that its intensely offputting! Why are characterizations actually good? Why do the rangers and Zordon actually act in a responsible manner? Why is Tommy actually acting as a leader?
Luckily theres still some insane things that happen, apparently being evil makes you want to lift weights, Matt launches his sub podcast Owl Facts, Tommy makes an UTTERLY bizarre art project, and the Putties are very, very proud of their butts.
We're back with part two of Wild West Rangers and ...Jebediah's still here. What exactly is that guy's deal? Anyway Kimberly gives the 1880's versions of her friends who are 6th generation ancestors and therefore exact clones of the modern rangers, as science teaches us and no seriously he's like, from the past but also the future? It doesn't make any goddamn sense. I'm sorry but it's really distracting.
We get back into time shenanigans, and this time we appear to accidentally have brought back Jebediah. Jebediah's deal is... confusing. Is he a ghost? Maybe?
Anyway we also talk about the constant menace of Time Holes in Angel Grove, Zack's deep love of Doc Skullovitch, extremely prominent putty butts (and putty fashion), and, of course, HORNSWAGGLE.
Gandalf The Grey, Radagast The Brown, Mondo The Steampunk Shadowrunner The Red.
Join us this week as we learn that the greatest gift of all is giving, we conclude The Ending Story, and the Power Rangers scare Bulk and Skull into never reading another book. Special guest Greg "Grag" ""Gorbleflorrp"" Poparena returns as he, Mike, Emily, and Matt offer up the Sparknotes version of this weird, weird episode.
Greg can be found on his youtube channel, Pop Arena at https://www.youtube.com/user/poparena
Join us and new friend Greg (Different Greg. Grag?) To discuss the Secret Origin Of Ticklesneezer.... or, really, see the power rangers get sucked into a fairy tale book with the worst green screen animated woodpeckers you've ever seen. Oh also, Bulk and Skull literally create life as part of this week's plot. They sort of gloss over that.
Join us as Kim and Tommy run against each other in a school election while Lord Zedd reveals his love for politics and Rita tries to prove that girls are way badder than stupid smelly boys.Along the way we acquire a new, adult toys related domain, Billy and Aisha try to set up puppet governments, Kimberly lets her hair down, and Goldar just really, truly cannot believe the shit he has to put up with from these dad gum teens.Also we discuss plans for finally reviewing the power rangers movie. No, the other one.
Join us for a sleepy time recording as Mike continues his attempt to coup the podcast from Zack, we find out that Awake Luke is Punny Luke, we discuss the exciting conclusion of the Green Vs White Ranger trilogy (and disappointing face turns and zord fights), and of course we discuss Zedd's horrifically botched circumcision, because we are still us.
Also, at the mid break we get an amazing fan parody song by listener Paul!
Hey everyone, it's Hurricane season which means Zack is a little busy fortifying his home to be writing blurbs. We actually get a Second Parter episode where things occur!
An authentic 1770's Chase Scene where Marissa The Teenage Witch uses her Wagon Tracking Powers for good, Luke isn't here for some classic Morphing Grid headcanonry, and Zack becomes consumed with consuming a cake to the horror and concern of the entire panel. This episode also features the highest New Jingle per Minute ratio and a crash course in History at the very end courtesy of our friend Cameron.
Mike hosts as its the return of the green ranger, what you've been waiting for the whole time! ...Right?!?The plot and its specifics deeply confuse us and we have a lot of questions this week: How is Colonial Angel Grove Possible? Why don't they just give the putties guns? Why DID Zedd marry Rita? What does the moon crew's Org Chart look like?We do manage to agree on a few things along the way, namely, our show is very stupid, and also we like Sonic Mania very much.
After years of building it up, its here: Rita and Zedd are married! Join us to witness the celebration and bask in four uninterrupted minutes of a complete fever dream of insanity. We'll also talk about Audio Entropy Couples Board Game Night, how much we love Evil Alpha and Pathetic Goldar, what part of Zedd's Evil Family putties are, and Luke's difficulty with public compliments.
Plus, Zack hijacks his own show to force everyone listen to him talk about how much he loves Kesha. Kesha is very good. Buy Kesha's new album. I LOVE YOU KESHA
Episode Discussed: S02E43: The Wedding Part 3
Join us for part 2/3 of The Wedding as Simon Returns and is very confused at why all the monsters are singing a dumb song, why the power rangers spend the entire episode walking in circles, and why Rita now appears to be able to break the 4th wall. Also we discuss the Meatwad/Super Meat Boy/Zedd family reunion, why Alpha is a better villain than Rita and Zedd combined, and how Tommy can possibly be this bad at pep talks.
Episode Discussed: S02E42: The Wedding Part 2
Join us for the return of both Luke and Rita! Both of them seem to be upset for some reason! While we try to placate Luke, Rita gets a makeover and hatches a new scheme. Meanwhile we are introduced to the Canadian Tuxedo, Zack is confused about how Mimosas work, Finnster learns you can't solve every problem with monsters, we all urge our listeners not to put alchohol up their butts, and a listener question accidentally makes us launch a new podcast!
Episode Discussed: S02E41: The Wedding Part 1
Join us this week as we reach episode 100 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and celebrate (again) with a heaping helping of public embarrassment, a moment of silence for Sonic, Zedd's frustration at Goldar reaches a boiling point, and Alpha just has a god damned gun.
Episode Discussed S02E39: Rangers Back In Time Part 2
Join us for our Episode 100 extravaganza! You know what that means! That's right, its performance review time! We celebrate 2 years of learning essentially nothing as we delve into the worst time travel mechanics of all time, how Bulk & Skull Met, Kiiiiiid Rocky's fucking hair, the best putty entrance of all time, and a retrospective on how things have changed in 100 episodes. For us, we don't really do that for the show. Whoops!
Episode Discussed: S02E39: Rangers Back In Time
Zack's still missing, but we're joined by Julie and Crystal to discuss the return of a bunch of dumb fish monsters, and as many ska references as Joel can make.
Along the way we discus double VHS tape movies, Joel apologizes to Gail Simone, we refresh our alphabet, we learn about Wordos and Talkos, Matt wants Steve dead, and we discuss the Moon Crew's Mario Maker levels.
Plus, Mike abuses his host chair to do another gameshow segment!
S02E38: A Reel Fish Story
Mike hosts this week and a few returning friends join us for some podcast announcements, the return of MoreFactNewsAnimal, Zedd's complete misunderstanding of humans, the rangers being bad at shop class, the most relatable character on the show somehow being a wolf angel, and lots and lots of Gals Being Pals.
S02E37: Forever Friends
Our friend Kendall joins us on this episode where we prove unequivocally that we are not professionals, as Kendall turns Matt into a ball of white hot rage, Zack doesn't understand how fire and or heat works, and Mike tests our ebay skills in an impromptu gameshow.
Also, the Bookala.
S02E36: The Great Bookala Escape
We once again try to gingerly avoid racism while we talk about an episode full of some of that good 'ol 1990's Stephen King fueled Romani stereotypes. There's some good stuff too though, like more confirmation of our Billy/Trini shipping, Goldar definitely not being a Domme, trying to figure out where you steal a single Swimming Flipper, and an extensive discussion of Adam Sandler movies and Donkey Kong 64.
Episode Discussed: S02E35: Scavenger Hunt
We're joined by some old friends as we learn about the original pitch for the show, discuss putties with matches, whether or not this horse is evil, discuss the all important Juicer Safety, Zordon breaks his record for "shittiest thing he's done so far", and Zack tries out some new segments for the show.
S02E34: Where There's Smoke There's Fire
Molly substitute hosts and makes Zack proud by antagonizing everyone as quickly as possible in this episode where essentially nothing happens!
We discover that the canonical year for power rangers is 1989, Matt tells us about Egypt Times, Zedd continues to lower the bar, Billy finally realizes Zordon sucks, Joel misunderstands Newton's laws of motion, and Goldar likes Sandalwood.
S2E33: Lights Camera Action
Join us for Mike's Favorite Episode, an episode wherein Rocky becomes a weird Gambling Addict Slash Psychopath, Skull actually comes up with a pretty good plan, Goldar gets passive aggressive, we reuse an entire sequence but with a different color filter, and everyone patronizes Rocky for being mind controlled
Episode Discussed: S02E32: Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun
Billy's got a suicase full of prisms, bulk and skull are heroes, Zack wants to talk about McDonaldLand and we discuss the most important topic of all: Sonic Original Characters.
Episode Discussed: S02E31: When is a Ranger Not A Ranger
Join us as we continue to learn that Adam is a perpetual Sadboy, as Lord Zedd's plan this week is literally a thing that happens to us all the time without the help of evil curses.
We also relive some terrible highschool memories, listen to Bob Sagat narrate said memories, adopt a stray Goldar, and learn that Tommy has in fact always been a time traveler.
Season 2 Episode 30: Mirror Of Regret
Join us and our friend Fletcher to discuss the only appearance of American Scorpina.... but more importantly, the most overlooked minor characters in any media ever, Lady Bulk & Skull.
Episode Discussed: S02E29: Goldar's Vice Versa
Well. Here we are. Mike made us do it. We watch Alpha's magical Christmas and ponder why the space robot believes in Jesus, why he never uses his Christmas Powers again, and how exactly ranger wiki managed to be racist on the Christmas episode.
We are so, so sorry.
The power transfer is complete! Join us to talk about drinking a whole bottle of Nyquil, being murdered by a soccerball, the most duress one can be under, Christmas on the Moon, and a special performance by Green Day (Okay its Joel but he does a good job alright)
S02E28: Power Transfer Part 2
We're joined by a skeleton crew plus our friend Molly and new buddy Fletcher to discuss the first part of the power transfer, our poor boy Tor being just fucking murdered, how cool Serpentera is, and Bulks INCREDIBLE jacket.
Episode S02E27: Power Transfer Part 1
We welcome our friend Lucas back to the show as Zack Finally gets a yes to his burning question, we discuss how the power rangers get paid, Jason wins the hunger games, and we spend a long, long time talking about Jorts.
Also a special announcement about an addition to Audio Entropy!
S02E26: Zedd Waves
Also there's chocolate coins, racist costumes, Saban favoring Israel, messages in bottles and ALSO A BIG ROBOT TURTLE THAT YOU CAN HUG AND OR PET
Episode Discussed: S02E25: A Monster Of Global Proportions
The thrilling conclusion of the Ninja encounter leads to more baby hijinks, the uncovering of the true hero of the movie Speed, a delicious new alcoholic beverage, and Billy's most courageous battle of all!
Episode Discussed: S02E24: The Ninja Encounter Part 3
Oops (Almost) all guests in this episode as Mike hosts! We discuss perhaps the most inconsequential episode ever, Mike creates and destroys segments at will, the insanity of 'jetting', teenagers are threatened with a wooden snake, and a plethora of emails!
S02E23: The Ninja Encounter Part 2
The end is here for our original ranger team, as their replacements are introduced in this episode. We talk about bad body doubles, re-used footage, Tommy's incongruous wardrobe, and the goofiest fucking chase scene ever committed to celluloid.
S02E22: The Ninja Encounter Part 1
Mike is missing, but we're joined by New and Improved Luke for the first episode thats missing half the original cast! We talk about Kimberly carrying the cast (as well as her Russian Mob History), Bulk & Skull literally steal candy from babies, and the Putties adopt their worst disguise ever.
Also, Joel and Matt try to explain to Zack that most beautiful of phenomenons: Ground Candy.
Episode Discussed: S02E21: Zedd's Monster Mash
Hey everyone! We had a bit of a technical hiccup this week cutting the discussion a little short, but fortunately we've still got the whole crew, plus Jules, present for talk about Simon's One Handed Superheroics, Jules schooling us on Dairanger, why every girl in Angel Grove is Horny for Science, Zack's misunderstanding of how children learn to run, and of course a Bear.
Episode Discussed: S02E20: Opposites Attract
Totally Reprise Co-Host and friend Molly returns to join us and confirm our suspicions that Kimberly's new purse is pretty much bullshit. Also who the hell keeps Dental Floss in their purse? This whole thing is highly suspicious.
Also we are just so, so excited about Tommy's White Ranger fashion, discuss #leggate, and Luke tries to kill the podcast with Tim Allen quotes.
Episode Discussed: S02E19 Two For One
He's here, he's finally here! That's right, Dustin is back to guest! Oh also I guess Tommy returns, and we discuss how well (or poorly) the reveal is handled, with some divisive feelings on a particular scene to say the least. But one thing we all agree on is FUCK YEAH NEW ZORD FOOTAGE! Join us in our excitement at giant robot tigers with weird mecha-crowns!
Oh also... Jason gets demoted and its very sad and frustrating BUT ROBOT PUNCHES YOU GUYS!
Episode Discussed: S02E18: White Light Part 2
We begin the creation of the White Ranger by... fighting about Sonic Adventure 2 some more, discussing the most recent movie trailer, and teasing Simon for his love of Subway.
Once we get into it, Zack scoops a crazy theory from Luke, Billy is Keylogging the command center computers, we have an extended discussion on different video game toilets, and finally we discuss the Board Game Movie Cinematic Universe.
Episode Discussed: S02E17: White Light Part 1
So Luke invited someone over to the podcast and then ditched us, but its fine because Dustin is here to tell us the difference between Gohan and Trunks and tell us about Goldar's Cave of Fantasy!
Zedd's plans get a little creepy this week as he tries to make Rita his Queen, Zack shares an unsettlingly relevant Sex Cave story, we review Curtis & Ritchie's dark purposes... and give our thoughts on the Nintendo Switch for some reason!
Episode Discussed: S02E16 Beauty and the Beast
Welcome back to your regularly scheduled Teenagers With Attitude where nothing is different and everything is the same. Join your best friends Zack, Graham, Cameron and Mitch as they watch another classic episode of Power Rangers!
Our never-wandering, on topic talking points include: Which Thunder Zord is the least worst, Zack (The Ranger) and his Spiteful Music Grandpa, Zack (The Host) and his poor history with jock straps, musical instrument based drug vectors and definitely not any sort of half-committed Mirror Universe bullshit.
Episode Discussed: S02E15: Orchaestral Maneuvers in the Park
Hey Putty Patrollers! Join us and Greg from the War & Beast Podcast to discuss Jason's guilt over Tommy losing his powers, our anger and then joy at the rangers riding around in a station wagon instead of the Rad Bug, weird trophy's and Zack's ego, and Power Rangers Heaven.
Episode Discussed: S02E14: Missing Green
We're Back! After an unscheduled break we return with the true end of the Green Ranger, and the much-requested Tudie awards! Join us for Luke earnestly loving a Power Rangers scene for maybe the first time? Tommy is ACTUALLY COOL IN THIS EPISODE?! And Goldar and Tommy team up to create probably the most inappropriate use of time travel ever.
Episode Discussed: S02E13: Green No More Part 2
Join the crew and Meatspace friend Jon for the beginning of the end of the Green Ranger (For real this time we promise). We discuss our Bulk & Skull withdrawal, our Cousin Curtis and Ritchie OTP, possibly the least threatening monster of the entire show up to this point, and the absolute worst costumes we've ever seen on this show or, indeed, in on our time on this planet.
Episode Discussed: S02E12: Green No More Part 1
Zack is out sick this week, so Eric joins us as Joel tries to hold it together through Horny Pokemon talk, Eric's fourth wall breaking, Luke's insistence on bringing up Um Jammer Lammy at every possible opportunity, and Matt's absolute manifesto on his hatred of the concept of picnics.
Also, Kimberly sings a pretty song while Tommy tries not to succumb to Stage IV Green Ranger-ism and the monster of the week plays unlicensed Jimmy Hendrix riffs.
Episode Discussed: S02E11: The Song Of Guitardo
Tune in this week as Liz joins us to discuss her path through the Church of Zordon and help us objectively rank the sexiness of the male cast members (plus Ritchie), we try to decipher one of the most confusing (read: stupid) villain plots in recent memory, Bulk & Skull cosplay as putties, and we talk about the movie Zord designs.
Episode Discussed: S02E10: Welcome To Venus Island
Today we are joined by our friend Cameron to welcome very important series character Ritchie to the cast. Everyone remembers Ritchie right? He's your favorite character! And so Handsome!
We manage to pull ourselves away from Ritchie briefly for Luke to tell us the Tale of Stone Canyon, discuss the shocking reveal of Tommy's mother, Bulk & Skull harvest the Pudgy Pig for parts, and we wonder whether or not Wizards can, in fact, get horny.
Episode Discussed: S02E09: The Beetle Invasion
This week we're back to the main six crew as we talk about yet another instance of Billy's completely rampant, out of control ego, and Luke invents a 'new' power to hopefully explain a way to make Billy not the worst person on the team. Also the Rangers fight an extremely poorly named monster and Skull shows off his video production skills.
Episode Discussed: S02E08: The Power Stealer
Join a skeleton crew and our friends Eric and Tyler as we herald the return of Morphactnewsnimal while Luke isn't here to stop us, and discuss the continuing and slightly overbearing arc of Tommy continuing to lose his powers and the absolute ULTIMATE in lazy McGuffins.
Episode Discussed: S02E07: The Green Dream
Hey Putty Patrollers, Join us and our friend Eric as we return you to your regularly scheduled programming as we tackle perhaps the Sitcom-miest power rangers episode to date as we get a plot featuring Kimberly becoming jealous of Trini's success. We also learn that our humble host is basically living in a bad sitcom himself, and Luke tries to rework the show Rosanne-style to bump up our ratings.
Episode Discussed: S02E06: The Bloom Of Doom
This week we overcome Canadian Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, and a hurricane to bring you timeless discussion of this week's episode, which is basically They Live but with Putties and also much less confusing.
Allow us to regale you with top notch discussion of John Wick/Power Rangers crossovers, Billy's deep misunderstanding of safety eyewear, Ms. Frizzle's Sentient Bus, The Super Mario Bros movie, Zack desperately trying and failing to distance himself from the Cult of Zordon, and cool, cool science shades
Episode Discussed: S02E05: Putty On The Brain
This week Alpha takes a stroll out of the command center and almost kills a child. That's not fan theory, that's what happens. It's a pretty great episode.
Along the way Simon narrates the entire plot of Baby's Day Out, Luke gets to say Syzygy, Zack wants to know exactly what kind of childs birthday performance you do with a giant yeti suit, Mike finally reveals himself as the crotchety old man of the podcast, Joel wants that helmet, and we all are absolutely confused and delighted by the newly discovered Alpha/Billy BDSM relationship.
Episode Discussed: S02E04: The Wanna-Be Ranger
Hey everyone! Join us and our friend Lucas for the conclusion of The Mutiny 3 parter and discussion of the Power Rangers Movie Zords! Other stuff happens but Zack is fleeing from a hurricane so no detailed notes this week!
Special thanks to friend of the show Eric for taking a huge amount of his personal time to edit this week's episode, he is the best and we love him.
Episode Discussed: S02E03: The Mutiny Part III
Join us and our new friend Gorge for Part 2 of the Zedd takeover and the coolest, best middle chapter for a 3 parter! Nah, like literally nothing happens, but don't worry, in place of actual events we've got Power Ranger OCs, Tyrannosaurus Arm Comedy, New Zord Teasing, and Luke tries to make Zack throw up at least twice!
Episode Discussed: S02E02: The Mutiny Part 2
WE HAVE ARRIVED in season 2! Noone thought we could do it, but join us, regular guest Molly, and best buddy Goldar as we get our morphers and finally become power rangers!
Ok listen I'd like to tell you that's what happens, but we DO get to discuss some Season 2 Fun Facts, Simon's baby being terrified of Lord Zedd, and why you should always wear protection when trying to put a Halloween costume on a kitten.
I guess this episode got pretty weird even without the whole season 2 thing, huh?
Episode Discussed: S02E01: The Mutiny: Part 1