By Lexi, obviously
I think it’s fine that they didn’t make all the Pokemon in this one. Despite what morons on Reddit seem to think, it takes a lot of time and effort to make Pokemon in these games and it’s so clear that they didn’t really have time to finish all the stuff they were doing for the game as it is. Besides, as someone who has Caught Them All in at least one game each generation this decade, there are just too dang many of them at this point.
I think it’s absolutely great to have a rotating cast of available mons. Giving some of my favorites some time off is going to make it so much more exciting to come back to them a couple of games down the line. Overall I thought the roster in this game was really solid and an even 400-count dex was the perfect length to feel like an achievement without getting tedious (seriously no one actually enjoyed tracking down the 50 legendary Pokemon from the last few generations). That said I feel like there are a few omissions that I am, personally, a bit disappointed in, and here’s why:
10-9. Houndour/Houndoom
Much like Team Yell, dobermans are big sweethearts who are frequently mistreated, and have been unfairly stigmatized as dangerous.
Completely aside of the fact that this little goth doberman puppy is one of my all-time favorites, just imagine this lil guy running up to you in the wild area and crouching and barking like he thinks he’s tough, before slinking back into the grass, too shy to actually make a move.
What should they replace?
Elgyem and Beheeyem. The game isn’t wanting for Psychic types and is too monotype-heavy as it is. They’re also fairly middle-of-the-road Pokemon, which are a necessary space to fill in the dex but it means no one would miss them.
8-7. Larvesta/Volcarona
I’m the protagonist of every kaiju movie, pleading with GameFreak to put their trust in this giant friendly moth.
This is a pretty good generation for bugs already, complete with a new, really good, fire bug, so I admit it’s a bit greedy, but come ON, this big fluffy friend is a perfect counterpart to Frosmoth. If I can’t run a strategically-disastrous Fire and Ice combo team of Frosmoth, Volcarona, Ninetales, and Alolan Ninetales what’s even the POINT of this game?
What should they replace?
Durant and Heatmor, I suppose, to somewhat keep the type representations the same.
6-5. Skiddo/Gogoat
he sleepy
You might be noticing I have a thing for pairings, and what does everyone’s new favorite Wooloo need if not a goat best friend? These guys were one of the standouts of Gen VI, imo, and really deserve more love than they got. Plus, I want a shirt with Skiddo’s smiling face plastered across the front, peeking out from my partially-zipped hoodie and definitely the only reason we didn’t get one is because Skiddo isn’t in the game. England’s got tons of goats! There’s still time to fix this with a patch GameFreak!
What should they replace?
The Oddish line, we’ve seen enough of those guys. And putting in the Oddishes but not the Bellsprouts is messed up anyway.
4-3. Yanma/Yanmega
“Really, WHERE DO YOU GET OFF not including me in your game, ya freaks?”
No real reason other than if we’re gonna have Pokemon on the overworld, I wanna see Yanma flitting around, doing their whole dragonfly thing. I like taking walks at the park and seeing big ol’ dragonflies zoomin around is always a real joy, and exactly the sort of experience I want Pokemon to replicate for me. Besides having lots of bugs is important for a healthy ecosystem so the more the merrier I say!
Who should they replace?
We still have two open slots from giving Oddish the boot.
2. Castform
Make whatever jokes about their appearance that you want, Castform is above your petty insults.
This is no one’s favorite, I know, but I’m baffled as to why the Pokemon who’s whole gimmick is changing its form based on weather isn’t included in the game that gives the most attention to weather since the concept was first introduced. Bring it in, give it Sandstorm and Fog forms, and you’ve got a nice little in-game promo for the wild area weather feature. Weather Ball being a TM this gen really drove home how weird it was that this little guy wasn’t there.
Who should it replace?
Mr. Mime. Yes I know it got a new form and evolution this generation. That was a mistake and they should not have done it.
Cannot BELIEVE they included Caterpie in this game but did not bring her best friends Dunsparce and Dunsparce.
I’m not even gonna try to justify this one, I just love the little guy. Dunsparce should be the only Pokemon that is in every single game going forward, the secret string that ties together all games, the hidden, true mascot of the Pokemon universe, and if you can’t see why that’s beautiful, then I weep for you.
Who should it replace?
Just a regular unchanged-since-its-inception Dunsparce is worlds better than Mr. fuckin Rime.