Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 10: Lil Lynch

What’s this… it’s a contentious episode?! Ashley isn’t a fan of how stupid Andy is and Molly and Luke love this cream corn boy. We talk about: Elusive Targets, Watch_Dogs Legion, Direct, Small Files, Jughood Cooper, Is Cooper Nice, Cheese Pig, Everybody Loves Major Briggs, Implications, Comedic Fetishises, Oh Bobby, We Grimace Over Cooper/Audrey, Aliens, James Jam, Bob Comes Back,

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Totally reprise has always been cool 9: having a normal one

It’s the season premier of Twin Peaks and we’re back with a shot Cooper and a town rocked by the many events of last night. We talk about, YuGiLuke, Sea of Thieves, Pokemon, Trolling Creators, Differently Abled and Surrealism, Shot In The Tick, Palmer House Cursed, Purified Leland, Ashley Was Right, Guys Being Evil Dudes, Andy Over Selling, Corruption Sunglasses, Donna Got Weird & Hot, TV Is Weird, Ashley Has More Name Trouble, Big Ed’s Big Backstory, A Handshake, Pete’s Smokey Sadness, Suburban Eyes Wide Shut, Balling, Room Service, Where To Get Shot, Dirtbag Vs Scumbag, Second Seasons,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 8: BITE THE BULLET BABY

It’s the season finale! Can’t wait for all my questions to be answered. We talk about: Yugi My Boy, Bustin’, Matrix, Our First Flash, Queen Shit, Luke Gives Murder Tips, Smoking Speedrun, Molly Loves Catherine, We Find Out What Andy Did, Leo Impression, Cliffhanger Montage, Clock Memory, Catherine Sucks/Rules Leland Off The Shits, The Card Witch, Cooper’s Vest, A Perfect Town,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 7: Bird Assassination

It’s the penultimate episode of season 1 and we can’t stop talking about birds and killing. We also talk about: Yu Gi Oh, Sesame Street, Xbox, DA:O, Cooper Doesn’t Want To Get Fired, Lucy-belle, Raisins, Laura’s Pervert Tapes, Perfume Counters, Evil Hooters, Treat Yo Self, Chet Kills Them All, Evil Josie, Twin Toes, Blood On Doughnuts, Undercover Stag Party, Josie Runs This Town, Does Audrey Fuck, Laura Cosplay, The Mystery Ending, Birds,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 6: What Are You Gonna Do, Shoot Me?

Cooper and crew are hunting for a cabin and Audrey is girlbossing it up. We talk about: We Know About New Spies, Invisible Inc, Dead Cells, In The Heat of the Night, Gamer Mouse, Icelandic Singing, Age Gap, Molly The Attention Payer, Bobby Sicko Guying, James’ Dumb Sad Backstory, Donna/James/Maddy, Jacoby Is TOO GOOD At Psychology, Hiking, The Matrix Lady, Leland Parties, 6 Year Old Smoker, Josie Heel Turn, Camping

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 5: Cooper Is An Empath

Cooper and the crew are chasing down leads and they go to an one armed man and veterinarians. Meanwhile the teens are doing their own snooping and Leo has his boss. We talk about: Luke’s Work Woes, 9 to 5, Bethesda Bad, Andy Disrespect, Dr Jacoby Looks, Dale Cooper Let’s Plays, Weird Bathrooms, Town Content, Domino Man, Fucking On Enemy Terrority, WHAT DID ANDY DO, Stupid Town, Ashley Repeats Facts, Ski Mask Guy, Josie Trouble, Left Behind

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 4: Little Freak (Derogatory (Complimentary))

We’re gathered here today to bury Laura Palmer and join secret societies and we’re all out of Laura Palmers. We talk about: Christmas Gifts, Hot Wheels, Santa Clause, Loop Hero, Molly Revengance, Dale Buying Time, Albert Gets Punched, Acting For Two, Ducks, Big Ed, Secret Passageways, Call Sheet Casket Placement, Bookhouse Boys, Evil French Canadians, Torgo Energy, Our First Predictions,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 3: Dale Cooper Dredges The Undertow (Copy)

It’s arguably the most famous episode of Twin Peaks as we chomp on some sandwiches and sit in Red Rooms. Let’s rock! We talk about: The Killer, Solar Ash, Tanuki Balls,FF14, Best Damn Sandwich, Evil Canada, Mysticism Stereotypes, Leo’s New Pair of Shoes, Super Strength, Bobby Is Too Dumb, Tibetan Detective Skills, Dancing In Diners, Albert On Sight, Father Daughter Dance, MIKE & BOB, Surrealism,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 2: Checkin’ In With The Palmers

We’ve now settled into the quiet life in this town with no dark secrets as we watched the first episode proper. Is James still a wuss? Is Leo the worst still? Is that a damn fine cup of coffee? The answer is yes. We talk about : Great Ace Attorney Spoilers, 2:30 - 6:45, Venoms, Emmet Otter, FF14, Sock Garter, Too Perfect, 50,000 People, Bopper, Bookhouse Boys, Spitting and Swallowing, Feet Play, Skyrim Guard Hawk, Log Saw Something Sweater James, Bad Vibe Doctor, Waffle House Index, Seinfeld Spoilers,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 1: All Boys Must Die

In a no frills but longer than normal episode we drive into the not so little town of Twin Peaks. Just how much of a wonderful bummer this first ep is, how weird are all these dudes and how much do we want to kick sand in Jame’s face. We talk about: David Lynch History, Twin Peaks, Laura Palmer Funko Pop, Everyone Knows, Pro Bully Podcast, Blobfish, Lynch Looks, Bobby Fucks Up, Good Acting, Cooper Comes To Town, Andy Had A Rough Day, Audrey Is The Joker, Flesh World, Town Hall, Yellow Lights, James Nitram, Great Rate, Bob

At the very end of the episode we talk about who we think the killer is and Luke reveals some things around that from a few episodes later. If you want no spoilers skip after we discuss the final shot to plugs.

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