Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 30: Fire Walk With Me

We watched Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces and we tackled a movie that is among the best of Twin Peaks. We talk about: Cuphead DLC, Generation Zero, Mon Hunt, Tom Cruise, We Get Mad At Critics, What People Expected. Sheryl Lee The GOAT, Luke’s First Time Watching FWWM, Teresa Banks, Getting Taught Symbolism, Freak Shit Rose, Evil Twin Peaks, Fingernails, Chet Fades Away, Why Is Cooper Here, The Convenience Store Apartment, Laura Fucking Palmer, James Is Back, Donna & Laura Are Gay, Harold is Back, Haunted Ass Painting, Ray Wise The EOAT, It Was Racist, Good Log Lady Speech The Pink Room, It’s Your Father, BOBBY SHOT A GUY, The Scene, James Hater. Laura Dies, Luke Tells Us About The Ring, Goth Dad, The Angel

We don’t talk about: Judy

Content Warning for talk of sexual assault, incest, murder, mistreatment of sex workers and discussion of suicide.

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 29: See You Again In 25 Years

It’s the finale of season 2! We get the thing that people thought was gonna be the last ever Twin Peaks TV content and shotgun two eps in a super length ep. We talk about: Luke Has That Twin Peaks Vid Living Rent Free In His Head, Ohio Crypto, Ashley Watches Smart Movies, LEO IS THE WORST, Norma Is Pageant Royalty, Ben Becomes A Religion Guy, Hardworking Andy, Femme Straight Guy, Is Lana The Worst Character, Anne Interrupts Diane, Dance, Deleted Scene, You’re My Dad, Molly Got A Thing Wrong, Glastonbary Grove, Coffee Commercials, Andrew Betrays Pete, Dark Lodge, Slow Old Men, Explosions, Everyone Is Here, Other Places, Sheryl Lee Is So Scary, Psych, Evil Coop, How’s Annie, Original Plan For Season 3, Death Stranding, Season 2 Plots, Cliffhanger Shows, Soprano Spoiler 2:35:12 - 2:35:22, Cohost, Bonus Episode Plans,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Episode 28: Stupid Horse

We are circling the drain of the season as we watch the last ep before next week’s two part finale. Horse costumes and Lynch shots abound. Neon White, Sniper Elite 5, Roadie Life Partner, Andy's Environmental PSA, John Justice Wheeler is the Most Lovesick Man in History, Ansem Method Acting, Cappy The Bookhouse Boy, Earle & Leo, The Carrot Top of Twin Peaks, Good Bobby Returns, Ashley Reminds Us That We Watched Catwoman, Earle's Stupid Horse, Davey Lynchy Back, Plane Fuckin, Truth Serums

Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 27: Wine And Chess

A wine tasting is going on at the Great Northern and Windom Earle is getting into giant arts and crafts. We talk about: GAME GRLZ: Oh God What Fake Number Was I At???, Willy Wonka, Molly May Cry, CHORVS, Sitcom Spoilers, Pete MVP, Leo-fication, Moon Reaper, Leo’s Imminent Change Of Heart, Legit Pageant, E3 Tuxedo, What’s In The Box, Kissing Your Employees, Telegrams, 66 Batman Shit,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 26: Twin Peaks Escape Room

Windom is getting his pieces, or cards, into place and Ben is chomping into environmentalism. We talk about: Car Trouble, Smash Likes, Sniping, 00s Superheros, Moredalands, Evil Sex Magic, Gay Lil Scarf, Bonsai Microphone, 3 Queen Chess, Who Is Donna’s Mom, Weird Cole Vibes, Annie Is So Dead, James In Mexico, Why Is Windom Doing This, Speelunking, Cigar Carrot, Legends Of Owl Cave, Rum, Odd Puzzles, Yu-Gi-Oh

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 25: Windom Earle - Gary Stu

We’ve got a fashion show and a depressed detective showing the limits of his acting ability. We talk about: Returning To Returnal. Wonderlands, Long Wrestling, Baseball Blowout, Padme Disease, Chess Rules, Dick Is Back, These Guys Are Cops, Old Dead Friends, Honey Ref, Nadine Gets Divorced, Screaming Sadness, Flannel Fashion, Is Ben Changing, Screwball Ferret, Sex Magic, Molly Writes Twin Peaks, Stoats, Game Pass Ending,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 24: Drawer Pull Faces

It’s a contentious episode as we discuss if this episode is Da Television. Is Ben coming back full force and 90s CGI make this a good time or does the conclusion of Josie’s story lead us feeling colder than a drawer pull. We talk about: Luke’s Sniper Journey, B:TAS, Mollylands, Hot Death Mask, Husband And Brother Friendship, Josie Is A Murder, Billy Zane, Did Nadine Kill Mike, Ben The Enviromentalist, Big Ed’s Flannel, Hank Reaching At Straws, Chess Theory, James Leaves, Old Man Off, Wiki Shots, Angel Meeting, A Serious Dicussion On Inamitate TF, Peaks Rider, 90s CGI, Coheed

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 23: The Bit Killer

Okay… now I think we’re done with this Civil War and murder framing shit. Unfortunately the Windom stuff is just beginning. We talk about: Calling Saul, He-Man, Rogue Legacy, Metaphors, Hivemind Cops, Luke Likes SNL, Big Ed Fucks, Pete The Doomsday Prepper, The Show Remembers A Character We Wish It Forgot, Chess Master, Hank Gets Arrested, Josie’s Situation Sucks, Leo’s Situation Sucks, Death Mask, Prisoner, Twin Peaks Nendoroid,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 22: Leo’s Grover House

We finish up a sub plot and finally reveal our chessmaster in an episode where things continue to happen. We talk about: Sleeper Citizen, SSX, Yoma, FF13, Don’t Make Em Like This, Marvel Movies, Leo’s Lock Magic, Truman Is Jealous, Driveway Crash, Doc Haywood Has No Fucks, Lonely AO3 Tag, James’ Songs, The Shadows, Lana Sucks, Cooper Facillitates An Almost Murder, Fetish Hunt, James Does A Smart, Cracker Barrel Problems, Patreon Subs,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 21: Board Game Killer

We get a drug sting, nuclear tattoos and drunk actors in a Twin Peaks ep that maybe squanders a bit of the potential we see in it but still gets good grades. We talk about: Cardcaptor Sakura, MST3k, Strangers of Paradise, Jungle Throne,  Big Birthday Boy, Women Be Badly Written, A Norma One, 12 Bucks, Tyler Perry, Nadine Is Still Weird, Lil Drummer Clerk, Deputy Cooper, Private Dick Say A Kid Is Dead, Wally’s Hideout Wallys, Hank’s Dead, Drunk Actors, Smoking Wire, Molly Figures It Out, Lights Out, American Nightmare 

Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 20:The Devil And Lil Nicky

We got government secrets, candid photos and demon children as we return to DA CINEMA. We talk about: Fondue, Luke’s Canceled, Rouges, Everything Everywhere, Molly Choosing Games, Pussy’s Haunted, Smoking Acting, Dead Dog Farm, Normie Weird Sex, Hawk Is Cool, Wrestling Rules, James Is In A Different Show, Army Guys, Crime Boy, Making Pete Worse, Chess, Denise Rules, Air Man, Monkey In the Basketball,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 19: Wally’s Hideout

The General is missing, Bob is spiraling and James is in some kinda Penthouse Letter. We talk about: Idris Elba, Drafthouse, Mad Max Anonymous, Baseball, Is Darth Maul Cool, Lynch Call In, Nadine Cruising For Butts, Play The Box, Lil Nicky, Native Mysticism, Trans 90s Rep, Josie’s Arc, Dick Cream, Home Movies, Hank Rules, Chess Metaphors, Denise’s Backstory, Wedding Party, Andy: Trans Ally, Maidification,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 18: Television Ass Television

We’re burying the whole Palmer mystery as we try to figure out what this show is now. And just what is up with these brothers???? We talk about: Box Puzzles, Star Wars Sickness, Fate Stay Molly, The Show, Sarah Palmer Gets Screwed, Fix Fics, The Fun In Funeral, Brothers, Audrey Is Still Horny For Cooper, Shelly Is Almost Done, Catherine Is Good Again, Baby In The Bank, Lure Proposal, Cooper Broke So Many Laws, Bobby Fucks Up, Nadine The Cheerleader, Just Punch Your Mom, Kingdom Heart, Alien Abductions, SNL, Dragon Age,

Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 15: We Know

We finally learned who killed Laura Palmer. Really truly do learn. So we discussed that for a very long time. Content warning for talks of sexual assault, physical abuse, incest and just a load of unpleasant things. We also talk about: Dark Secrets, Yet More Elden Ring, Turning Red, Control Your Narrative, Twin Peaks Number 2s, Bye To Harold, Forgotten Characters, Leo Wants A New Pair Of Shoes, Twin Peaks Shipping, Nadine’s Milkshake, Ben Wants A Sandwich, Palmer House Sucks, A Discussion On Method Acting, It Is Happening Again, Discussing The Murder,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 14: Leo’s Homecoming

David Lynch has appeared and Audrey knows all about her dad now. Also there’s still tons of bad stuff that we go over. We talk about: Eldy Reldy 2:18-15:27, WWE2k, Angry Gardening, Extra Judicial Cooper, Good Dad Ben, Taxes, Disability On Twin Peaks, What We Want Josie To Be, Leo’s Party, Scumbag Leland, We Get Mad About Tojamura Again, MIKE, Bob Guesses, Seinfeld,

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 13: Assassin's Creed Canada

A daring rescue is planned for Audrey and we come to probably the worst thing in Twin Peaks! We talk about: Eldin Ring Talk 1:45 - 18:50, Jackass, Ghostbusters, Grounded, Yellowface, Cooper’s Tired, Mr Pinkle, Leland Gets Off, Weird Drinks, Crime Doors, POV Change, Truman Kills A Dude, AC Sex Scene, The Rake,

Note: We talk openly about the spoilers around Mr. Tojamura and the character’s journey throughout the episode. We felt we had to in order to fully talk about what the show and the creators are doing. There is no spoiler warning in the episode.

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Totally Reprise Has Always Been Cool Ep 11: People LIKE This Guy???

Folks, everything is going bad. We see two new boys and both have horrific vibes. We talk about: Horizon Zero Dawn, Ashley Birthday, Cody Rhodes, XenoDogs, Amnesiac Nadine, Truman Loves The Giant, Rancid Plant Guy, Non-Violence, Bookhouse Boys Mysteries, Albert The King, Fancy Man, Playing With Fire, Twin Peak’s Hottest Bachelor, Audrey’s Situation Sucks, Be Like Mike, Third Renault, Remember Nadine’s Super Strength, Twin Peaks Craiglist, Hugs And Kisses, Hypnosis Evidence, Crystals

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