This week the first episode is a clip show that cements the fact that Ms. Fairweather is definitely into Joel but otherwise doesn’t have much plot relevance… but then immediately we get another episode that advances basically all the plotlines at once, plus a Sorcerer that almost makes Zack do a spit-take!
Plus, Emily plays Rita’s Rewind, Morgan reads (Gasp) Hetero Romances, and Zack is Mad About Books!
Episode 374 - Baby Pro Tip
Morgan, Matt, and Lucas join Zack for what almost certainly the least liked Power Rangers Teamup, between the Lost Galaxy Rangers, The Lightspeed Rescue Rangers, and a little girl who is DEFINITELY the main character.
Also we talk about Acceptable Reasons For Late Podcasts, why babies are so fragile, and behind the scenes drama!
Episode 373 - Macavity Killed JFK
Iris joins us once again as we get all excited for the “Vypra tricks a mermaid into dating Chad” episode, and listen, its fun! But we simply could not have expected the Egg Heist Episode. But also we DO finally figure out why Chad was selected as a ranger!
We’re kind of all over the place in this one, we talk about Warframe, “The Snaggletooth Voice”, the time the Flintstones committed genocide, which head of state we think Macavity assassinated, one of the weirdest single episode characters in power rangers, A Series of Incredible Costumes, and more!
Also hey we are moving away from the hellsite, follow us on bluesky at:
Episode 372 - My Brother The Hero
In the first episode we cover today, the inter-villain drama “heats” up while the rangers get frozen.
In the second one, Ms. Fairweather is clearly in an incestuous relationship with her brother, and all the rangers gaslight Joel for daring to suggest it.
Look there’s a little bit of a wild shift between the two episodes this week ok?
Bonus 78 - Good Burger Part 2
Bonus 77 - Good Burger Part 1
Merry Christmas! We continue our tradition as Luke, Ava, Morgan and Emily join Zack to discuss a movie that bafflingly continues to live in the global consciousness: Goodburger, starring Keenan and Kel.
We discuss the two’s mismatched careers and legacy, this movie’s confusing use of Sinbad and Carmen Electra (and Abe Vigoda?!), the disgusting look of Mondo Burgers, and the high and low use of late 90s “random'“ comedy.
Also, the “I’m A Dude” Ska cover.
Episode 371 - Infinite Hat Glitch
We are joined once again by Matt as we ask him to defend Captain Mitchell.
The crew talks about that new game with the furries with big butts and Zack talks about his Thanksgiving Move From Hell before we talk about Carter being stuck in an extremely half-assed Groundhog Day style time loop, and then the rangers are infected with an oddly-specifically anti-wrist affliction that leaves them unable to morph.
Thankfully they remembered they can just go to space whenever they want!
Episode 370 - Call Life Alert, But Not For Me
It’s a one-two punch of wacky old people this week as it turns out Kelsey’s mean old Grandma turns into a poorly dressed but extremely energetic vigilante, plus Chad’s old Karate Master decides he hates Chad so much he’d rather train a monster. You can PROBABLY guess how that goes, but its still extremely funny.
Read MoreEpisode 369 - You Mustard Chugger
The Rangers are able to (Barely) stop Queen Bansheera from returning, but Ryan decides to go search for a way to trap her permanently. That’s fine and all, but really what’s important here is that Joel gets completely upstaged in front of Ms. Fairweather by his Billy-Level-Genius cousin.
Plus: That’s right its the Omega Megazord, it has an incredibly dumb name but… it’s kind of great?!
Episode 368 - Former Yellow Ninja Ranger Captain Mitchell
The crew talks a lot about Pokemon and Pokemon likes for a while, and then Impus Pokemon evolves into Olympius, so technically that means it was all on topic!
All the ranger actors take turns playing the hammiest version of Secret Evil Villain they can muster and then blame Carter for falling for it.
And finally, Captain Mitchell and Carter go on a nice picnic date and we all almost decide we finally like Captain Mitchell before he does maybe the creepiest thing he’s done all series!
Episode 367 - The Evil Hand That Rocks The Cradle That Is Also Evil
Simon & Morgan join Zack to discuss Diaboloco almost murdering a demon baby, too many Megazords, an extremely scientific understanding of Solar Panels, and Ryan solving his curse by dropping an ancient Egyptian temple on it.
Read MoreEpisode 366 - Korn-fed and Full of Demon Juice
Lucas joins us to chat about Ryan’s horrible curse, Whether or not Diaboloco just exploded a bunch of children, and Carter executing a demon at point blank range with two guns (don’t worry he deserved it).
Read MoreEpisode 365 - Teenager Shoes Never Worn
We delve into the backstory of Captain Mitchell and his long lost son, Ryan, and get our first American only ranger, our first evil 6th ranger since Tommy, and the worst Secret Safe Management we’ve ever seen on the show!
Plus: Where has Ryan been the whole time? What’s the timeline with Diaboloco? And why were the Rangers so extremely willing to just Shoot That Man To Death?
Episode 364 - Speed 3: Guns on a Bus
In an incredibly weird move, Power Rangers decides to, in the 8th season, just have a Regular Robber Guy hold up a bus with a Regular Gun, and THEN tries to explain to kids sometimes you make a mistake but that doesn’t make you bad?
And then in the next episode they get a new Megazord that isn’t nearly as good as the original Megazord.
Look its a weird two episodes!
Episode 363 - Morphinsexual For These Bubos
Matt joins us once again as we FINALLY get our Chad spotlight episode, in which we have perhaps one of the most insane setups we’ve had in forever: A man tries to beat up a power ranger, knowingly, to get laid.
We discuss this obviously toxic relationship, Chad’s incredible pre and PR resume, and Matt has an owl based surprise!
Episode 362 - Roblow Me, Nerd
Luke joins us to discuss Cyborg Rangers, the surprisingly relevant but incredibly stupidly solved AI/Drone/Robots replacing our heroes, catch Luke up on the stupid stuff that’s happened this season so far, and absolutely hate on this Nerd controlling the Cyborg Rangers.
Plus, we answer your questions about the show and celebrate our Anniversary!
Episode 361 - Vypralante 8
The rangers face off against the most dangerous foe yet: a go cart with some wings taped to it!
This is, of course, also the week that they forget they have giant robots.
The good news is Carter levels up and learns how to shoot a pistol while also driving a motorcycle, so he’s quickly shooting up the ranks of red rangers.
Episode 360 -
Captain Mitchell is up to his bullshit again ALREADY, the rangers keep a nuclear device in a tackle box, and please stop calling her your little girl!
We discuss how Captain Mitchell’s plans are both incredibly irresponsible and ALSO incredibly ineffective!
Episode 359 - Brink With Guns
Episode 358 - The Silent Socratic Method
Join us as we discuss the rangers running an obstacle course, and Carter gets the best time! But wait! Captain Mitchell is here to tell him he did a bad job and not explain!
We talk about Captain Mitchell’s management methods, Carter’s make-a-wish service, and what exactly is going on with this weird grocery store in Mariner Bay.