On this bonus episode of TWA, join Mike, Matt, returning guest Greg, and paranormal expert Joe as they tackle the first episode of Saban's Big Bad Beetleborgs!
Read MoreEpisode 18 - Pretty Hate Machine
This week we're hit by the podcast plague, but Wade steps in to help us out as we continue the Green Ranger saga and bask in the wonder of Evil Civilian Tommy, as well as Goldar's interminable taunting.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E18: Green With Evil - Part 2
Episode 17 - Tommy Oliver And The Smash Mouth Covers
Dustin joins us once again as we begin the Green Ranger saga and are introduced to the character with the most luxurious hair and the most delightful evil laugh and we learn that none of us are very good at impressions.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E17: Green With Evil - Part 1
Bonus 2 - Playing With Yourself Until Someone Lands on Boardwalk
On this bonus episode of TWA, it's the thrilling conclusion to the series premiere of VR Troopers! Join Mike, Zack, Matt, and returning guests Jules and Jorge, as we begin to doubt our own abilities to determine reality.
Read MoreEpisode 16 - Bench Press All 18 Holes
This week we welcome Jules back as we tackle probably the worst episode yet... which leads to the most fun discussion somehow! Kimberly and BIlly switch bodies and we have a knock down drag out over a certain theory when new evidence comes to light!
Episode Discussed: S1E16: Switching Places
Episode 15 - Dickhead In A Tube
This week to maximize confusion, we welcome guest Micheal and try to not get the two Mikes and two Zacks confused as we discuss an episode about Trini's uncle that is somehow still centered on Billy?
Episode Discussed: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S1E15: Dark Warrior
Episode 14 - Mouths Can Hold Things
Join us and our guest Greg (stepping in for Matt this week) as we discuss the Kimberly's-Uncle-centric episode, the first appearance of Bryan Cranston on the show as a monster, and the best case yet for our Bulk/Skull shipping.
Episode Discussed: S1E14: Foul Play In The Sky
Bonus 1 - Glad We Took That Side Road
Welcome to TWA's first bonus episode, where we watched the first episode of VR Troopers! Join Mike, Matt, returning guests Jules and Wade, and newcomer Jorge as we try to figure out what "Virtual Reality" actually means.
Read MoreEpisode 13 - Rosencrantz and Goldarstern are Dead
Simon is out and Luke is back, as well as returning guest Dustin. As Dustin becomes increasingly frustrated with Luke's fan theories, we discuss the second in a long line of Billy love interests, incredibly awkward teen romance dialogue, and the chosen faith of moon monsters.
Episode Discussed: S1E13: Peace, Love, and Woe
Episode 12 - Skeleton Goblin Punk
Boy howdy do we have a show for you this week! Simon returns from the Canadian Internet wastes to join us and our Tokusatsu/Sentai Expert guest Jules for a full on Sentai history lesson, AND we talk about the episode that gave kids all across America uncomfortable feelings when Billy and Kimberly go Punk!
Episode Discussed: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S1E12: Power Ranger Punks
Episode 11- All Putties Go To Heaven
With a few missing team members we welcome our guest, Ian, the artist behind our cool logo thing, to talk about Rita's evil carnival and the idea of Evil Clowns as the standard.
Episode Discussed: S01E11 - No Clowning Around
Episode 10 - Goldar Literally Takes A Nap
Simon is out again, but we welcome Replacement Canadian Wade Kruse to the show to debate French Canada vs 'Real' Canada and to talk about Zack's Birthday! No, not the hosts, the character. We promise to stop making that bad joke.
Episode Discussed: S01E10: Happy Birthday Zack
Episode 9 - Mr Ticklesneezer Knows The Weight Of Your Sins
With Simon Internet-Less and Luke Zord-Deep in Metal Gear Solid 5, we welcome a new hero to the discussion and are joined by our friend Dustin Christianson to discuss a disturbing episode of Dolls, Home Invasion, and the best named monster yet.
Episode Discussed: S01E09: For Whom the Bell Trolls
Episode 8 - Michigan J. Megazord
With Matt out we're back to a Five Ranger Squad as we discuss our hopes and dreams for the Power Rangers Reboot Film, and the horror that is a living monster made out of eyeballs.
Episode Discussed: S01E08: I, Eye Guy
Episode 7 - Half Naked Dude Monster
Today we tackle the tough issues of child-parent relations, big brother/sister programs, and horribly fat Chicken monsters with giant scissors. Its that kind of episode.
Episode Discussed: S01E07: Big Sisters
Episode 6 - Evil Moon Monster Team Building Exercises
We fill out the whole Six Ranger team as we discuss the first episode most of us remember from childhood, featuring a horrifying spherical pig monster.
Episode Discussed: S01E06: Food Fight
Episode Discussed: S01E05: Different Drum
Episode 5 - Winners Definitely Do Drugs
This week our cast rotates again due to some Windows 10 issues, and we tackle the introduction of Kimberly's deaf friend and some of the 90s kid show tropes she embodies.
Episode Discussed: S01E05: Different Drum
Episode 4 - Lets Do The Time Warp Again
This week we welcome back Luke, and Simon returns to tell us about his irresponsible toy purchase as we discuss Jason's attempt to break a local exercise record.
Episode Discuss: S01E04: A Pressing Engagement
Episode 3 - Welcome to Our Existential Crisis
This week we are joined by a new team member as we watch the Rangers give some half-hearted sentiments about Teamwork and the Environment.
Episode Discussed: S01E03: Teamwork
Episode 2 - This Is So Nineties
We get the team back together to discuss Trini getting over her fear of heights, but that doesn't stop us from talking about Multiplicity, adding another nefarious group to Bulk and Skulls growing resume, Billy running a Torrent server, and TIME PUNCHING
Episode Discussed: S01#02: High Five