Episode 128 - Grandma Magic Makes Everything Better

This week we talk give you what you all demanded: Ninja Turtles News! Hey, they’re still tightly colored teens! Also, for some reason Power Rangers decides to try and tackle societal systematic inequality? Plus, we get a Rap that makes us long for the days of Pumpkin Rapper, we discuss the usefulness of Grandma Magic, and Zack totally does not mispronounce Angel Grove.

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Episode 127 - Zedd Hate Me

Arrre you ready for some footbaaaall? We talk about a wide range of Football topics like the XFL, Zedd and Goldar tossing the old MonsterSkin around, and Uncle Joe, best Quarterback in the game! Oh also, this is a very special episode about dyslexia? 

We also discuss Mike's encyclopedic CSI knowledge, Zack's codeword ("reverse space-jam"), Nickelodeon Guts minigames, and like, way too much Dragonball

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Episode 126 - I Like Your Tie

Dustin and Jeff join us for an episode so great I'm actually going to summarize it in the description!

Rocky and a Hulked out Chemistry Teacher swap places for a day as Rocky uses his Chemistry know-how to save the rangers, and Mr. Wilton demeans his fellow faculty and picks up girls!

Rito leads the moon crew for the day and Zedd takes a vacation! Bulk and Skull evolve to their final form: Trash Boys! Jason David Frank has a good line reading!

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Episode 125 - Angel Grove Roadshow

Kay and Andrew join us on another journey to the land of Cultural Insensitivity! Billy Proves he's an Otaku! Bulk & Skull harsh the Gym & Juice Bar's Mellow!, Squatt and Baboo do stuff! And the return of Mike The Game Master! All on this week's Teenagers With Attitude!

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Episode 124 - The Joy of Morphing

The Chuckle train pulls into the station as we discuss the French-est monster ever, and with Simon's help talk about Pepe Le Pew, French Canadian Stereotypes, and Bad accents in general.

Plus, Jason David Frank's script notes, Zordon finally erodes Billy's resistance, Bad morphing catch phrases, Zack doesn't know what bread looks like, Ninjor's underhead, and the 3rd Annual Tudies!

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Episode 123 - Ninjors Bogus Journey

Zack is too busy flying to PAX South to write this blurb, but don't worry, because Mike found enough time in his busy schedule of being incredibly handsome and clever to write one for him.

This week: Ninjor goes to hell, Bulk and Skull doom themselves to an eternity in hell by becoming cops, and the panel experiences the living hell of voting for our Third Annual Teenie Awards!

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Episode 122 - 6 Ninjas: High Noon at Ernie's Juicebar

S03E06: Ninja Quest Part 3

S03E06: Ninja Quest Part 3

Our buddy Fletcher joins us to discuss what else but the horrific Transformers spinoff Kiss Players. Oh, and part 3 of Ninja Quest.

Along the way we discuss Fletcher's daily Rita-inspired ritual, the existence of More Differenter Aliens, everyone's intense love for Ninjor's motivational speaking, Brenden Frasiers career, organizing a neighborhood putty watch, and the greatest power rangers soundtrack song to date.

Bonus 31- Ultimate Kristmas Kombat 3

As our Kuest komes to an end, and a new year starts, I can't help but remember Abraham Lincoln's immortal words: "Be excellent to each other, and party on."

Really puts things into perspective.

I'm stalling for time because I didn't make sure Zack put a blurb and picture in here before last night. Here have this picture. Pretty weird, right?

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Bonus 30 - Kombat Kristmas II

Join zack and most of the war and beast cast for part two of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation! 

We talk about the most 10th grade thing you can do, The upside down jenga pyramid that is Mortal Kombat's lore, angry wolf-men and overly sexualized ninja women, pointless mud wrestling, terrifying CGI monsters, wanting to make your dad happy, and oh god Baraka looks so bad

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Bonus 29 - Kombat Kristmas

Merry Khristmas, putty patrol! Continuing our Movie Christmas tradition from last year, and based on Listener Votes (damn you all), we watched Mortal Kombat: Annihilation!

Join us as we discuss horrifically bad costumes and acting, magical transportation balls, the best scene exit of all time, and the rest of the crew tries to figure out why Zack likes Mortal Kombat.

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Episode 121 - Just One Big Nipple

As we deal with the fallout from the destroyed zords, we also discuss the newly announced Sentai, Simon's Season Rankings, and the Ranger's quest through some bad traps to get new powers.

While we walk there, Luke sings us some persona 5 songs, Zack crafts a Low Self Esteem Zedd theory, Bulk & Skull hate exercise, and we discuss exactly what form Master Vile's nipples take.

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Episode 119 - Dr. Pleprechaun: The One Fans Crave

This week Frankie rejoins us to discuss the end of the Friend In Need 3 parter and what will CERTAINLY be a long and fruitful friendship between the Power Rangers and Masked Rider. 

We'll also discuss misleading toy advertisements, our pitch for insect based power rangers, Zordon's Starfleet Degree, and Bulk FINALLY giving up on his Power Ranger based schemes.

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Episode 118 - The Fun Is In The Challenge

Join us and our friend Frankie to help discuss Prince Dex and his horrifying 90s commercials as we get to the bottom of the mysterious Simon Murders.

On the way Frankie fills us in on the Spanish dub of Guardian Del Poder, Joel is very mean to Yogi Bear, the moon crew performs a Three Stooges Bit, Masked rider fights some body pillows and TOMMY KICKS A MAN OFF A SPACE HORSE

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Episode 117 - Hi Rez Cocoa Puff

Mitchell Joins us to discuss the back door Masked Rider pilot, tell Power Rangers stories, and tell us about his Time Share Investment.

While we discuss it, Luke gives us the strange story of Sensurround, Mike tells us about JCVD v JDF, Luke explains Saban's "Two Whole Moneys" plan, Emily is excited about Kimberly's on-brand bedroom, and Joel pitches a fixed Masked Rider show (AKA Zedd and Count Dregan Mean Girls)

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Episode 116 - Boogerman's Got Nards

We finish up the MMPR movie but begin with talk of a successful extra life stream, an UNSUCCESSFUL crabbing attempt, and Roger Ebert's delicious hatred for the Power rangers.

Then we move onto nearly an our of discussing why the zords look so bad. Plus, evil high fives, Finnster's undercover cop stint, Care bear stares, and everyone's favorite button.

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Episode 115 - Garden Hoses & Faerie Fire

For part 2 of the Movie, Greg joins us to talk about horrifying goldar faces, sexy barbarian ladies, falcon kicks, and powdered coffee creamer.

We also discuss the part of the movie noone likes: The ninjetti quest for the "Great Power", Ivan Ooze's mastery of disguises, the propensity of Angel Grove parents to just shove their hands in anything that looks suspicious, and fun fire experiments the whole family can enjoy!

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Episode 114 - You Can't Just Say Morphing Grid, Luke

Join us and to discuss The first part of the original MMPR film!

Before we begin we discuss the new Power Rangers HyperForce RPG and our excitement at seeing Bulk finally be a ranger, talk about the inequitable Zord distribution in Ninja Steel, and get a very sleepy Lucas to give us his power rangers news.

Then with that out of the way we talk about our divisive opinions on Ivan Ooze, and the movie suits, and our absolutely non-divided opinions on the rockin soundtrack, extremely misplaced sound effects, and Aisha's special, special powers.

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Episode 113 - Evil Billy Blue His Cover

This week Mike is back as host, Guest Ryan returns after the Jebediah incident, and new guest Cassandra joins us to watch an episode where everyone is so competent that its intensely offputting! Why are characterizations actually good? Why do the rangers and Zordon actually act in a responsible manner? Why is Tommy actually acting as a leader?

Luckily theres still some insane things that happen, apparently being evil makes you want to lift weights, Matt launches his sub podcast Owl Facts, Tommy makes an UTTERLY bizarre art project, and the Putties are very, very proud of their butts.

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