Tommy continues his quest of questionable cultural sensitivity and we are just VERY confused about what the hell the arrowhead is supposed to do, other than make extremely frustrating noises!
Episode 179 - Metal Milk Does A Chassis Good
This week Adam gets shrunk and we don’t even have the energy to tease Luke about it because Zack decides now is the time to come up with his own theory that nearly destroys the podcasts and also our friendships forever.
Read MoreEpisode 178 - Podcasting In The Time Of Colds
This week we begin our four week slog through the cultural appropriation storyline. Hang in there because the good news is Tommy gets a new robot that totally rules? Also, Bulk and Skull are defeated by the most nefarious enemy of all, police nepotism.
Read MoreEpisode 177 - As The Coin Turns
Join us this week for an especially soap opera episode as Kat either makes everything worse or enacts her evil master plan, depending upon your own personal head canon.
Episode 176 - Tongues Are The Snowmobiles Of The Mouth
Lexi hosts this week as we try to figure out just how many ways there are to describe how hard they’re trying to draw out this 3 parter!
Art by Lexi
Episode 175 - 1080 Sad Boy Swoop
Lucas joins us as we discuss sad, sad Tommy, his very, extremely bad hair, and the most unnecessarily long snowboarding sequence of all times.
Oh, and of course we blow Lucas’ mind about 90s hat fashion.
Bonus 38 - Teenagers With Altitude III: Polyamory and Pilots
Emily brings her partners, Mike and Cassie, along on a magical journey through the skies, where they mistakenly watch the fifth episode of Disney's Talespin, "From Here to Machinery," instead of the first episode, like they meant to. Along the way, they discuss how sexy bears are, and how hard it is to keep the words "pilot" and "pirate" straight. Happy Valentine's Day!
Episode 174 - Government Zords
Regulars Mike and Emily welcome back Frankie, as well as newly minted Canada Expert Lexi to discuss the return and near sun-related death of Billy.
Along the way we’ll talk about Aquitian continuity errors, Billy stealing from educational institutions, and why Tommy joins Creed in the future.
Episode 173 - RAM The Data Sandwich Into My Flesh Computer
Zack and Luke are joined by old friend of the podcast Fletcher and Audio Entropy stalwart Frankie for another episode of “the 90s didn’t understand computers!”
In addition to some truly hilarious hacking action, we also discuss whether or not Power Rangers is dead, and the wildest VHS compilation of power rangers footage we’ve ever heard of!
Episode 172 - Music To My Rocketeer Bumps
Tune in (hah!) for a surprisingly tender episode of Power Rangers, where we manage to ruin it by speculating endlessly on the identity of a mysterious pianist!
What lengths will this pianist go to do hide the girth of his talent from being put on display?! Let’s find out!
Episode 171 - Third Annual Teenies & Tudies & Inaugural Withies
Welcome everyone, as we go through the best and worst that this year of Power Rangers has to offer!
Plus, we innaugurate the Withies, to celebrate you, the listener!
And finally, we learn Simon’s hotly anticipated take on potatoes.
Episode 170 - Jerome "Scat Man" Stone
Its one of those ones where Zack couldn’t make it because he’s a bum, so Emily, Luke, and Mike talk about Smash Brothers! Oh also about a power rangers episode that has a weird premise EVEN FOR THIS SHOW, as well as those hot Lt. Stone details you crave!
Read MoreBonus 37 - Clockstoppers Part 2
We close out the Christmas season with the some extremely creepy age play, unnecessary sunglasses, and, of course, SUPER HYPERTIME!
Read MoreBonus 36 - Clockstoppers Part 1
Seasons Greetings! This week to celebrate (?) Luke leads us in a discussion of the 2002 Jonathan Frakes “Classic”, Clockstoppers. How much do we hate this kid? You may be surprised!
Read MoreEpisode 169 - Hey-La-Day-La
Hey everyone! We wind down the year with Sentai announcements, some rumors, and a quick rundown of the tokusatsu landscape.
Meanwhile in the episode, Lt. Stone narrowly stops an alien invasion, King Mondo is irritated noone called him for this episode, and Billy leaves the planet in a spaceship with a stranger who is twice his age, which his parents sanction.
Bonus 35 - Los Luchadores
A new challenger approaches!
Mike, Emily and Frankie (Lets Steal A Podcast) get together to discuss maybe the most forgotten of the Saban 90’s live action superhero boom: Los Luchadores.
We Meet Lobo, the coolest superhero/wrestler around, and his sidekick, a character who appears to be written as a parody of irritating sidekicks! Plus, is the bad guy a cyborg chihuahua? OF COURSE HE IS WHY WOULDN’T HE BE?
Episode 168 - Safari Leonard Maltin
Luke rejoins us and gives up some updates! Rocky wants to get into showbiz as Sprocket attempts to make a snuff film!
Billy makes some workout graphs, the cogs conduct a low grade heist, we meet the most horrifying monster to date, and the rangers go to the black lodge!
Read MoreEpisode 167 - The Measure of a Puppetman
Join us for Simon Updates (Arthur hates clowns!) And Zack Updates (Zack saw butts!) before we discuss the existential horror that is The Puppetman!
In this episode, Tommy makes a tactical error, the power rangers are woefully inadequate for nonlethal conflict, and the Defender Wheel is… something, thats for sure.
Bonus 34 - Turkeys With Attitude
SURPRISE! Many thanks to the friends and Putty Patrollers that contributed to this episode, and apologies to those who would have contributed but didn’t because of my deception. Whether you’re busy watching the Lions suck at football, an MST3K marathon, or just having a normal Thursday because America’s NOT actually the center of the universe I hope you have a great day and know how thankful we are for you.
Episode 166 - Just A Buster Wannabe
Emily joins us for a DOG EPISOOOODE! Also we’re all sick so enjoy that while we discuss bad 90’s trading cards, motorcycle graveyards, sergeant dog, Ernie’s geothermal power plant, demorphing from embarrassment, murdering mini-me, King Mondo’s high Oil Pressure, and DOG QUESTIONS.
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