Episode 229 - C-3P0P0


We meet the Blue Senturion and struggle between his goofy robot antics and his police brutality! Plus: What exactly did Zordon do in his off time? How does Divatox do that with her voice? And how dumb is this millenium message plot?

Episode 228 - Species Dysphoria


We get maybe the worst messaging about bullies the show has ever done and also finally get to see what happens when a Divatox detonator goes off! Did you guess “explode?” Shockingly, you’d be wrong!

Not Quite A Bonus - 04/10 Pre Show

What do you do when you get 8 minutes of preshow banter? You call it bonus content! So that’s what I’m doing.

Don’t forget to join us in Kast, tonight at 9pm Eastern to watch some Car Rangers!

Episode 222 - Why ISN'T Egg-Bake There?

Hey everyone, welcome to the Warren show! Today we talk about everyone’s favorite power rangers character, Warren, as he dunks on that fuckin nerd Justin.

Everyone get your driving scarf ready!

Oh, also, Elgar tries to murder a ton of children.

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Bonus 44 - Sonic The Hedgehog The Movie The Review

Well, I mean. For some reason you all asked for it, so here it is. Luke, Emily, Mike, and Zack watched, and review, the Sonic The Hedgehog movie.

We discuss the horror of the design, the somehow lack of horror of the jokes, and our ideas for a Sega Cinematic Universe.

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Episode 217 - Shift Into Turbo

Its the first episode of Turbo, and as contractually obligated, Zack has missed the important status quo change episode!

See how the show shifts from the movie into the lower budget TV episodes, how it continues to sort of just ignore how weird Justin is, and Mike hosts with a new game!

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