A surprisingly horny episode this week as Astronema just really leans into her whole thing, plus Alpha pilots the megazord! He doesn’t do a great job but its still neat!
Read MoreEpisode 268 - Fetish Roulette
Bonus 47 - Theatre of the Moon and Mind
I tried to accurately reflect the punctuation that I was given to work with. Also, I’m pretty sure I used about 8 different voices, but somehow the recording corrupted them because I can only hear maybe 3 tops.
Teenagers With Alfitude V - There Is No Peace, There Is Only Alf
TWA’s yearly Valentines Day tradition continues as once again a host gathers their loved ones to watch and discuss an episode of classic late-80s sitcom ALF. This year Lexi and her partner Mikey discuss Season 1 Episode 25 - La Cuckaracha, a truly romantic tale of a horrid little creature (who is puppeteering the titular Alf) being menaced by a giant alien insect. So join us in the grand family tradition of watching some truly mind-numbing television to avoid having to spend true quality time with the people in your lives, won’t you?
Read MoreEpisode 267 - Hurtin' For A Turtin'
Episode 266 - So When You're Near Me Andros Can't You Hear Me
Lexi and Zack get caught up on this two person episode with a lot of firsts: We meet Bulk & Skull’s boss for the season, see the Surf Spot, and see some reptilian friends!
Oh plus Ashley is just like EXTREMELY horny for Andros.
Episode 265 - Let's Make Like Herbie Hancock
The rangers convince Andros they’re the good guys after all and we get our new powers! Plus we really dive into whats up with the food replicator.
Read MoreEpisode 264 - Apollo
IN SPAAACE! We meet our new Red Ranger, get our first real look at the Alliance Of Evil, and have a weirdly effective creepy walk around the space craft.
Please ignore the bad CGI.
Episode 263 - Teenagers With Attitude Presents The 2020 Tudie Awards For Dis-Excellence in the Field of Morphin'
Join us for the worst in Power Rangers this year, thankfully featuring slightly less extremely problematic garbage than last year!
Read MoreEpisode 262 - Teenagers With Attitude Presents The 2020 Teenie Awards For Excellence in the Field of Morphin'
Its our Annual Awards time where we cover the best of the year in Power Rangers!
Read MoreBonus 46 - Honey We Shrunk Ourselves (Part 2)
We wrap up our holiday bonus content with the second half of Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves. The second half's panel is far less charitable than the first half's for some reason. Next week: The 2020 Teenies!
Read MoreBonus 45 - Honey We Shrunk Ourselves and Made The Panel Horny (Part 1)
It's time for our Xmas tradition of bonus episodes about movies that absolutely MUST NOT have anything to do with the holidays. This year's movie is, perhaps, our most on-brand pick to date!
Read MoreEpisode 261 - Gemini
Drama! The Power Chamber is destroyed, a new villain is revealed, and Justin sneaks onto a military base with the time honored tradition of “hey look over there”.
Will we ever know the magical words Justin told the old man to get a free spaceship? Find out in POWER RANGERS IN SPACE!!
Episode 260 - Mercury
It’s party time on the space base as Divatox and a random monster completely destroy both megazords???
Read MoreEpisode 259 - Our Sweet Boys
This week Bulk and Skull take center stage, help stop a robbery AND a monster plot (sort of), and get officially commended by a ranger AND friendship from the teens.
We get a little emotional on this one.
Episode 258 - Himura Voice Vul Shark
This week, everybody wants to fuck Bobby. That's it, that's the episode.
Read MoreEpisode 257 - Ant-Man But Worse
Justin gets superpowers. But like, different superpowers. From the ones he already had. Because he's a Power Ranger. And the villains aren't involved at all. It's a weird one.
Read MoreEpisode 256 - Migratory Void Bats from the Moon
This week, Carlos turns into a vampire. Other stuff happens, yeah, but all you really need to know is that Carlos turns into a vampire.
Read MoreEpisode 255 - I Don't Morph (I Know You Can)
This week the fate of the world rests on TJ learning how to hit a specific kind of pitch in baseball, because they felt like they needed to make the civilian and ranger plots more closely tied for once?
(This episode title is specifically for Lucas)
Episode 254 - Pls 'Thro?? No Take!! JETHRO
Y’know, we often try to not talk so much about the fetish implications of the weekly Power Rangers plot but.
Sometimes its hard.