Zack is joined by Simon and new guest Nate as they discuss the quality of fight choreography, introduce someone new to the fact that this whole thing is on a space colony that isn’t even mentioned, and get an outsiders perspective on the fact that the power rangers absolutely do just kill people, PLUS we talk about how weird the Galactabeasts transformation process actually is!
Read MoreEpisode 330 - The Kegeler is Tight
We’re back and we’re here to tell you that its still true that the best episodes of Lost Galaxy barely feature the power rangers.
Trakeena gets trained in combat, Zack compares a power rangers villain to a gay heavy metal icon, RETURN OF THE SPACE SALOON, and also a major villain is killed nearly offscreen, its a wild one!
Also, blame/thank Eric for the image and episode name and for getting this one out fast!
Episode 329 - Laser + Laser + Laser = One Big Laser
The Galactabeasts won’t fight their former friends, but don’t worry, Leo has a perfect plan to fix the issue (Illustrated by our editor Eric).
Plus, Bimbo scientist Kendrix strikes again, Damon shows off his math skills, and Commander Stanton simply does not know what a light year is!
Episode 328 - Terraventure Bound The Incredible Journey
We are introduced to Deviot, the new general, who has a cool ass design, some new zords, theres some EXTREMELY good fights, and also it turns out Kendrix is the Bimbo Scientist we always needed.
Read MoreEpisode 327 - Hella Inconsistent Heli-ship
Its just Zack and Emily stuck on this ship full of spider aliens and stock horror movie characters, how will they survive?!
We talk about The Rescue Mission, an often praised episode by the fandom, and its pretty fun!
We also discuss how this episode absolutely ups the ante on “what the
Episode 326 - 4 "ooh la la's", 16 "va-va-va-voom's" and one large "OOOOOOOOH MY!"
On the ground Power Morphicon correspondent Victor joins us this week as we talk about Sentai’s presence in the US, Fabby pitches us on some Trans PR Fanfic, and Trakeena makes most of Terra Venture do the Tex Avery Wolf Howl Face.
Read MoreEpisode 325 - Spooky Scary Skelekron Warriors
Its too early for Halloween but we do spend the entire episode talking about Skeletons!
Okay we also talk about Castlevania, and Mike and Leo’s dynamic, and Cosmic Fury, and Skeletons!
Episode 324 - Don't Mix Up Your Blow Suck
Hey, a good episode!
We get some pretty cool (and not so cool) special effects, the last stand of the Magna Defender, and Leo tells a story about a tree he climbed one time!
Oh uh. The monster isn’t great, and Zack debuts a new segment, but those things have nothing to do with each other, for sure.
Episode 323 - Thanks For Stickin' Around
Hey is… Is Treacheron a good character? He seems pretty cool actually, maybe this will be a good a-oh he’s dead, never mind.
Yes it’s Treacheron’s last stand, but in the meantime we also talk about Guilty Gear, Indigenous representation, and wonder if the show is moving away from direct Gingaman translations after the Lights of Orion saga.
Episode 322 - Fights For The Rights To Wield Orion's Lights
The rangers finally get the Lights of Orion and they’re pretty cool!
We take a trip to the Gingaman Galleon, talk about how sometimes the rangers are written like little kids, get some information on their sleeping patterns, and talk about pokemon and paw patrol because this ones mostly fights!
Episode 321 - Literally and Figuratively
Fabby and our editor Eric join us to talk about magic the gathering, fanfic, and the etiquette of eating a whole cake.
Also, PLEASE let this lights of orion thing wrap up already!
Bonus 63 - Theatre of the Moon & Mind IX: Immortal Ranger at Once a Ranger
An Immortal is always hunted by Death, and sometimes Death finds the Immortal…
Episode 320 - Needs More Lawrence Brothers
Episode 319 - Wrath of the Fart Sack
Episode 318 - Zack Talks About AV
This title is a misrepresentation of the content of this episode!
Join us as friend of the show Victor Perfecto talks to us about the state of Toku fandom in the English Speaking world and how far its come, plus we talk about how fucking cool the Magna Defender is and his connection to another TWA favorite character!
Episode 317 - Pfannkuchen sind Liebe
We are joined by Iris and Luke to discuss Kai’s absolutely insane reaction to a pretty girl, try and figure out how many people are on Terra Venture, reminisce about the roller rink and Iris’ childhood skating challenge, and talk about Video Games: Are They Bad?
Read MoreEpisode 316 - Thespy In Space
Listen folks we hope you aren’t bored with discussion about what the fuck is going on with society on Terra Venture because it just keeps becoming more and more confusing.
Kendrix meets her doppelganger, who is a movie star! Because they make movies on the space colony! And also they go shopping! How does capitalism work here? Who knows!
Also there’s a really bad moral for the kids this episode!
Episode 315 - Simpsons Bell Hop Noises
Trakeena is hear for real, and its just, its really a lot folks. Mike, Zack and Simon discuss a suddenly hilarious turn for Furio, the unexpected return of Mike The Character, and our slight disappointment at Mia and Kendrix still really not having that much to do.
Plus, how many toys are we gonna squeeze in on this one? Why do the trans daggers suck so much? Why did they bring a whole ass mountain into space?
Bonus 62 - Theatre of the Moon & Mind VIII: Immortal Ranger In Briarwood
Hey it’s Eric. You know a lot of times when I’m reading these my brain isn’t really processing the words that are coming out of my mouth. Listen for the moment when I realize just which character has been reintroduced in this Mystic Force themed outing by the Immortal Ranger Jason