Episode 9 - How would you motion capture a Surfing Electric Rat?

Welcome to another Saturday, Beast Wars Fans!! 

We are John-less this week so Greg, Jordan and Kendall go through episode 9 "A Better Mousetrap" and give their thoughts and impressions on it as well as all the other topics they cover. 

This week we discuss: Canadian Thanksgiving!; Rattrap's name in Japanese is Rattle?; Is there any detail as to why it says "Pud Loser"?; I wonder what she's reading?; Shout out to Sailor Business...BWONG!; It looks like a face; It's like Frylock's lasers; Education minute; Sulking sector; Kendall almost pressed a thing again; The little robot voice inside the robot; Star Wars reminiscing; We didn't get a butt-wiggle; You would think stealth mode would be way quieter; Technically it was a bomb; The security code was "hit the console"; Listener questions!

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