Episode 19 - Do Electric Cheetahs Dream in HD?

Happy New Year's Eve Beast Wars Fans!

As 2016 comes to a close we have a good time reviewing episode 19 - Call of the Wild. Open your audio receptors; get your favorite celebratory beverage and listen in as you prepare to ring in 2017! 

This episode we discuss: This was not Kendall's favorite episode; Greg is G1 representin'; We can't say the name of a dinosaur; Jordan has some beefs with Assassin's Creed; Reboot Reminiscing; John couldn't resist the cat's pyjama joke; Kendall went to Spacecamp; Drinking game rules when listening to War and Beast; Well rendered gorilla butt (this one's for you Zack); Can't we just walk? No! You have to carry me!; Kendall was playing with his sound setup again; Questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 18 - Waspinator's Hangout Tree

Happy Saturday Beast Wars Fans! 

We are a week till Christmas Eve! I know, I know, try not to stress. Take a deep breath, sit down and put on this episode to escape the stresses of the holidays as we watch episode 18 - Spider's Game. 

This week we discuss: Discussed this week: John gives a play by play on the Transformers 5 trailer; #Notmytransformers; How many pods are there?; Scorponok is the Geordi LaForge of Beast Wars; Lowest bidder on stasis pod construction; Airazor is a badass; They don't know where or when they are, how can they have a calendar?; I can use this to my advantage, he did it!; Questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 17 - Pterodactyl Idiot

Happy Saturday Beast Wars fans!

We're into the holiday season! For all you shoppers out there why don't you turn on those audio receptors and listen in while you weave your way through the stores? Feel free to pause the episode when good holiday songs are played in the stores though. :) For those at home, pour yourself a festive drink and enjoy a listen as we review The Trigger part 2!  

In this episode we discuss: Why do we only hear the start of limericks?; Kendall got in trouble for reading literature; Distinguishing between The Freemasons and The Illuminati; John's sad he's not the favorite; Greg's bad joke of the week; Pokemon talk (We aren't HM96!); Kendall needs to rewatch Stargate; Greg wanted a He-Man reference; Questions!; Jordan reads the question Greg was dreading (A Kiss Players question)

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 16 - Was Animorphs a TF fetish thing?

Welcome to December Beast Wars Fans!

With this time of year the chaos of shopping and gift-giving would make even Megatron jealous. Speaking of chaos, Greg unfortunately has experienced some technical issues this week. Thankfully the rest of the crew steps up as Kendall hosts his first episode of War and Beast with John and Jordan joining him as they review Episode 16 - The Trigger part 1!

In this episode we discuss: 

Kendall hates season finale cliffhangars; Credit to The Dark Knight Returns for an earlier episode; When there was one set of footprints that was when Airazor was carrying him; Talking missles and Voice ticks; Rapid-fire energy settings; Tigatron added to the death tally?; Terrorsaur looks like a burnt chicken; It's called the Beast Wars not the Beast Peace; A thank you to TWA for the mentions :); A butterfly transformer should be named Monarch; John gets uncomfortable looking at Tigatron's chest; Kendall makes a 16-colour joke; Physics!; Questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 15 - Oozing Sarcasm and Cyber Venom

Happy Saturday Beast Wars fans! 

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to our listeners in the US and hopefully no one has any Black Friday related injuries. Even if you did, nurse those wounds as you listen in to the crew as we review Episode 15 - The Spark!

This week we discuss: The return of Cheetor's prophetic dreams; The interesting story of Airazor; The Death Tally so far; Tricksy Hobbittses; Andy Serkis would be a perfect Waspinator; The Maximals have communicators like in Star Trek; Skyrim joke; Kendall recognizes acid when he sees it; Greg feels old talking about RDJ; Obligatory "What's New Pussy-Cat"; Greg gets his bug terminology mixed up; Black Arachnia has no neck!; The most accurate shot Cheetor has ever had; Origin of Sparks; Questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 14 - A Sassy Sentinel

Happy Saturday Beast Wars fans! 

Looking for something to listen to while you are out and about this weekend? Well we have a great way for you to pass the time! We welcome our first 5-person episode with our friend, Eric! This week we review episode 14: Double Dinobot! 

In this episode we discuss: Our first 5 person episode!; He's a mechanical gorilla, he's a floating cape, they fight crime!; Eric's fanfiction ended very differently; John knows a vore connoisseur; DNA and...CNA?; Comparissons between japanese Beast Wars and the english dub of Digimon; Kendall doesn't like giving 300%; Greg works something in from the last episode; We lose Jordan for a couple of minutes!; Eric makes a better joke; Blending in with the non-existent animals; Return of the Surfing Rat; And then...Merv Griffin; Questions!

Be sure to check out Eric's new podcast Inside the Masters Studio (http://www.audioentropy.com/#/masters-studio/) on Audio Entropy! 

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 13 - Like you're 3 Gigabytes of Attitude on a 2 Gig Harddrive

Happy Veterans Day/Rememberance Day Long weekend folks! 

A lot has gone on this week but we are here to give you a brief reprieve with a fresh episode! This week the War and Beast Crew reviews episode 13: Dark Designs! Also bonus technical difficulties!

This week we discuss: Kendall is the designated hater; Greg doesn't even half-know French; The Crew reminisces about 90's internet; A quick lesson on kibble; We got tricked into talking about poop for 5 minutes; Yelling at podcasts; Johnny Bravo/Scooby-Doo crossover; Micheal Bay learned shaky cam from this episode; Further speculation that Rhinox is Eeyore; Bad puns; Cheetor is a little offensive; Optimus's dick move; Callback to the 4th law of Robotics; Wacko? No! Wonko! Wonko the Sane!; The History of Buffalo Wings; Scorponok hates smirkers; Predacons gloat too much; Indiana Jones reference!; Janky Animation and weird dialogue; Lone listener question :*(

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

As always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 12 - It's like a Rhino Tricorder

Welcome to November Beast Wars fans! 

With the leaves changing we've made a little change that we hope you will notice and enjoy at the very beginning of this episode ;). This week we're reviewing Episode 12 - Victory! Or is it? If so, this podcast series has ended very abruptly. 

This week we discuss: Shakespeare in alien languages; Spoiler filled Japanese episode titles; Music major for a year *mic drop*; The Maximals aren't aware of how good the writing in this episode is; The Death Tally so far; Dinobot wanted bodies for funerals; Ninja Turtles reference; It was literally a cable from one ship to the other ship!; It was a really BIG rock; They didn't have the budget for overdubs; The Maximal chain of command is like a chore wheel; Superman-esque Optimus Primal; Questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

A HUGE thank you to Kendall for our brand new theme song for the show! Please check out his album Dahltry Lane at http://kendallhalman.bandcamp.com/ 

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Episode 11 - Strip my gears and call me a floor lamp

Welcome to the last Saturday of October folks! The temps are getting colder and the days are getting shorter. All the more reason to curl up with a nice warm blanket and listen to the War and Beast crew review episode 11: The Probe! 

Along the way they talk about: So many Uranus jokes; Bad ways to search for survivors;  Greg tries to sing some of the National Geographic song; He's WAY faster than a speeding bullet; Rattrap's yams are quite toned; Waspinator always being told to do things; The hypothetical trial of Dinobot; Like one of those russian dolls with nostalgia; Team Scorponok is blasting off agaaaaaaain!; Black Arachnia channels her inner Tommy Oliver; Listener questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 10 - Despite all his rage he is still just an ape in a cage

Happy Saturday once again everyone! The crew is all here to bring you another episode hot out of the oven and straight to your audio receptors! This week we review Episode 10 - Gorilla Warfare! 

In this episode we discuss: No one makes turkey better than John's Mom; Anime theme songs and International episode titles; Greg googles "Am I a Gen X'er?"; Jordan blows Kendall's mind on dinosaur talk; That is one Dapper Dino; So many puns through the episode; What is the Maximal's end goal?; Do robot gorilla's dream of electric sheep?; Listener questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 9 - How would you motion capture a Surfing Electric Rat?

Welcome to another Saturday, Beast Wars Fans!! 

We are John-less this week so Greg, Jordan and Kendall go through episode 9 "A Better Mousetrap" and give their thoughts and impressions on it as well as all the other topics they cover. 

This week we discuss: Canadian Thanksgiving!; Rattrap's name in Japanese is Rattle?; Is there any detail as to why it says "Pud Loser"?; I wonder what she's reading?; Shout out to Sailor Business...BWONG!; It looks like a face; It's like Frylock's lasers; Education minute; Sulking sector; Kendall almost pressed a thing again; The little robot voice inside the robot; Star Wars reminiscing; We didn't get a butt-wiggle; You would think stealth mode would be way quieter; Technically it was a bomb; The security code was "hit the console"; Listener questions!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 8 - It's Mos Def-initely his name

Happy Saturday Beast Wars fans! 

We're a little late getting this one up due to some technical issues that we've tried to fix to the best of our abilities. But, it's just in time for any lineups you might be standing in tomorrow at NYCC! 

In this episode: Greg reads japanese badly; Eyes for boobs & truck nuts; I am the one who is dead!; The least effective Maximal; Tarantulus's creepo factor; Maximal technology looks like desk antique radios; Zooey Deschanel isn't British!; And he calls an Uber too; He's a dangerous weapon because he knows the wifi password!; A resounding meh; Kevin Arnold's Dad; Our single listener question. 

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 7 - When you're sad think of a T-Rex trying to Masturbate

Welcome to October Beast Wars fans!

Curl up with a blanket, something warm to drink and your favorite podcast player (maybe a zune if you are so inclined) and listen in as we review this week's episode, Fallen Comrades! 

This week we discuss: 

More technical difficulties; Transformers canon created thanks to Beast Wars; Kendall doesn't listen to the podcast; History lessons courtesy of Animorphs; Jurassic World is hard science; Dinobot wishes there were more transformers funerals; Could Optimus Prime actually be President?; Gorilla on Rhino on Rat; John makes a convincing Pteradactyl; Velociraptor talking to a floating gorilla head; Moon dropings, Maybe it's two gay tigers, More questions!; Exposed brain character examinations.

Also, a bit of bonus talk where we find out Kendall bought a game based on listening to an episode of Let's Place (An awesome Audio Entropy podcast that ranks every video game. EVERY GAME!)!

Please feel free to follow us on twitter (@WarandBeast) & Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/warandbeastpodcast/) or email us at warandbeastpodcast@gmail.com. We are happy to read any questions that are sent in.

And as always, please support the Audio Entropy network at audioentropy.com!

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Episode 6 - Megatron Senpai

Happy Saturday Beasties! 

This week the War and Beast Crew reviews episode 6 - Power Surge! 

Join John, Jordan, Kendall and our first guest Joe as they go through the episode. Wait, what happened to Greg?

Some topics covered this episode: Retro gaming reminiscing, Ghostbusters talk!; Pac-Man of the skies; What is a super structure; Chest or Thigh missles?; Kendall was a Toy Story villian; He likes to clack his claws, he likes to buzz around, they make crime;Out of breath robots; Kendall's alcohol while podcasting PSA; Tironium and how did we get into MOBA talk?; Relating Ghostbusters to Beast Wars!;  Listener questions!

A big thank you to Joe for joining us this week! Make sure to visit his page atlantaghostbusters.com!

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Episode 5 - Too soon Rattrap

Happy Saturday Beasties! 

The crew reviews episode 5: Chain of Command and give our take on some interesting beats in the episode. As well, we have a few seconds of sound issues which I apologize we couldn't correct. 

In this episode: Mixing up Chain of Command episodes, So many tangents, Call back to Flight of the Navigator, Some wibbly wobbly technical difficulties (Kendall clicked on a thing), We can't remember the villian from Big Trouble in Little China, Scorponok's grammar difficulties 

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Episode 4 - The 4th and 5th Laws of Robotics

Hey Beasties! 

It's Saturday which means another episode of War and Beast for your listening pleasure! Join the crew as we watch episode 4 - Equal Measures! 

Some things covered in this ep: Fan naming campaigns, Abnormally small gorilla ears, Window placement across sci-fi properties, Bad Kaiju jokes, What's new pussy cat whoooooooaaaaahhhh, Static Shock love, Predacons are Mac users, Megatron is alive!, Beast Wars D&D classes.

Also, listen to the discussion that happened during the break as a special easter egg after the actual episode. :P 

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Episode 3 - My Filters will Adjust

Happy long weekend everyone! Enjoy a cold drink and listen in while the War and Beast crew review episode 3: The Web! 

Some topics covered this episode: Precognitive cheetahs, Earth with 2 moons directing choices, Laserdisk update, Black hooooole gun, Judgy spiders, Dinobot is Worf, Beast Wars shipping, The Turducken of Cybertron, Charlotte's Web reference?

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Episode 2 - Ed Asner VS. Richard Newman

Hello again folks! Pull up a comfy seat and listen in as the War and Beast crew give their thoughts on episode 2 of Beast Wars! 

Some topics covered this episode: No subtitles on podcasts, Ineffective weapon discussion, #NotallPredacons, MSRP-based command rankings, Kendall can grow jetpacks, How did we get onto Animorphs?, Opposite object permanence.

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Episode 1 - Rattrap is an ass#@!%

Join our gallant crew as they take on the first episode of the series and have a time covering a lot of ground over the course of a little over 2 and a half hours. 

Some of the topics covered are: Well rendered gorilla butt, first episode hijinx, pg-13 swearing, Kendall reads stuff from IMDB, so many adjectives, laser disk titles are canon, skull-shaped clouds?, Cheetor is Goku, Who hates Reboot?!, Rattrap is an ass#$!#, Happy Anniversary Transformers: The Movie!, John always wanted to sing the Beast Wars theme, Made-up techno babble!, Reasonable panicing and our first yessssss, Hubris and greek mythology, Skulls confirmed!, Good will always win because evil is dumb, Second yessss, Energon: Mineral or something else?, Cybertronian to English, Cheetah related pun, Disney tangent, Maximal rollcall, Top ten podcast on Audio Entropy, Jurassic Park tie-in, Hey we figured out the MSRP!, 90's reminiscing, Batman is to twilight..., Transformer dental speculation, Leadership qualities, The go-to insult of 1996, Jordan questions Cybertronian security, Kendall's golden rocket, virtual boy vision, Rat riding a gorilla riding a rhino, Maximal-Predacon racial tensions, A lesson on quasars, Shiny armor, *cough*Cyclops*cough*, questions and more questions and bonus blooper at the end! 

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