Geek Charming (2011)
It's a tale as old as time. Boy meets girl, dumps his lunch on her, and then asks her to be the star of a documentary. Come along as we jump over a big hurdle of awkwardness, try to make sense of this bonkers script, and endure more unexplained vlogging.
Emma relives her popularity and has no follow through. Lucas needs a Geography lesson and flexes his film muscles.
Talking Points: Kim Possible Movie, Ironic Zombie Expectancy, More DCOM Drinking Games, Another Mean Girls Rip-off, THE RAMP, We Need To Talk About Asher, More Freakin Vlogs, A Perfect Storm of Tropes, 2005 Cell Phone Store, Dylan’s Supervillain Lair, Missing Marta, San Diego vs. Francisco, Fedoras All Around, Makeover Montage!, Burping Contests, Glasses Shaming, Amber Was Never Your Mom, This Ending Is Mean Girls
Music: "Hey, Princess" by Allstar Weekend