Read MorePrivate message from Heartbreaker2196 to xXx[FinDom]xXx (3:01a LST): The only thing you've done by debating me in ~full view~ of the rest of the tread is proven time and time again that if a """pretty""" girl bats her eyelashes at another girl once or twice you won't stop talking about it for MONTHS. I can and will continue to post anything and everything I feel like posting, and I think I'm well within my rights to critisize! Why don't I lay it out for you this way: Your little crush is simplistic, stereotypical, and doesn't deserve to breathe the same recycled oxygen that John Deere does. Tell me, if she's objectively better, why isn't she the lead on this show? Hm?
Heartbreaker2196 wrote (3:16a LST): [Attachment: DMFromxXx[FinDom]xXx.png] I'm bringing this back to the thread, since I don't like to do things like this in private. If any of you Starelia freaks want to defend your "best girl," please do! Plus, I think John looked really good in those hot pocket commercials. His abs were incredible.
Eidolon EDM #3: Eternal September, Part 1
Read MorePrivate message from xXx[FinDom]xXx to Heartbreaker2196 (2:40a LST):
both to preserve the ideals of free speech on this forum and in the vain hope that you and the rest of your clique might one day develop a modicum of media literacy, i have consistently chosen to debate you in full view of the rest of thread's participants. however, that shit you said about Kia Soul in your last post went way too far. if you want to be wrong about Starelia then fine, go for it. if loving a ship that's the literary equivalent of a soylent cube makes you happy, who am i to tell you to seek out something more exciting and emotionally complex. but you do not insult Aurelia's actress. she has fewer lines compared to the other major characters because the writers and directors know she's actually capable of using body language and tone of voice to show instead of tell. she has subtlety and range. she's done stageplays. she is quite simply objectively better at her job than anyone else.
you know what John Deere was doing before he got the role for Rembrandt?
"starring" in commercials for hot pockets where they recorded slow-mo footage of a microwave being shot with an anti-materiel rifle. he wasn't even firing the rifle. he just said "whoa" a lot.
i'll expect your apology and correction in the thread shortly.
Eidolon VGM #3: Serenity
Read MoreHeartbreaker2196 wrote (2:28a LST): Every single day you keep logging on to these forums making these stupid posts. Tool-moded? What the hell do you think you're posting from, moron? Just because you're a dolphin scalie(? What the hell do they even call this I don't think dophins have scales??) doesn't mean you're suddenly excluded from the group! But either way? I'm glad you recognize me as the royalty I so obviously am! Anyway, for the rest of you civilized users: I'm glad most of you recognize that Aurelia is obviously a bad influence on anyone she comes into contact with. She's brash, she's foolish, and she's never willing to leave good enough alone. Her ideals are stupid and anyone who likes her is a M O R O N. As far as I'm concerned, she should be written off the show permanently for the good of the rest of the cast. Kia Soul isn't even a good actress.
Eidolon EDM #2: Hyperparasite Hype Train
xXx[FinDom]xXx wrote (02:19a LST): oh wow what a surprise that this board's queen of comphet would think starcadia's argument held any fucking water. "but the solar empire has been safeguarding that star system for centuries!" says the dumbass who apparently doesn't know what refugees are. this shit is why no one likes humanity. you can't even fucking stand being around each other! bunch of apes have their dna take a wrong turn and become tool-moded land-cucks who make up nonsense words like "de jure" to dress up their insatiable bloodlust. fucking evolutionary dead-end is what you are.
it's a shame Aurelia's attempts to assassinate rembrandt in the first season didn't work. mark my words, she's gonna return in an episode or two to commit even worse atrocities against the crown. it'll be so funny.
Eidolon VGM #2: What They're Looking For
Heartbreaker2196 wrote (01:37a LST): I love Starcadia so much. Now there's a girl who knows what it takes to get out there and GET THINGS DONE. I knew she'd be able to swoop in and prove that Rembrandt's claim to the throne is real. What does it matter if some stupid old elves happened to be in this part of space thousands of years ago anyway. What matters is who is here NOW, not who USED to be here. And huh. No sign of Aurelia anywhere this week, Finny? It must be so difficult rooting for a sinking ship.
Read MoreEidolon EDM #1: Tension Rising
xXx[FinDom]xXx wrote (5:34a LST): once again i find myself enjoying an episode for entirely different reasons than most, because i am burdened to be one of the few who knows what subtext is. yeah, sure, your boy got his kiss. but here's the thing: for a genre that's usually notorious for dragging out the will-they-won't-they until the heat death of the universe, Courtship sure is pushing rembrandt really hard, huh? almost like it wants you to think that's what's "supposed" to happen, which is the same opinion held by Starcadia's parents? Aurelia's glance wasn't just generically "meaningful," it was asking Star a question: is this what you want? it clearly points to Starelia being endgame. rembrandt is just a pit stop along the way. also, goddammit, why is it always elves? "my unique and mysterious alien race looks exactly like if we put some modeling putty on a human's ear." wow how exciting i'm so intrigued. i bet they're gonna really strain the budget two episodes from now when we meet a new alien who's got nose ridges or some shit
Iris Christianson as Trace Vector
Tyberius Wilson as Bridgerton Larch
Zoe Tunnell as Genevieve St. Cloud
Crystal Zaslavchik as Leila Marino, Lieutenant of Mare Cognitum
Luke Varner as The GM
Additional Voices by Max Knightley
CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains knife violence and body horror.
Eidolon VGM #1: I Could Be Anything
Heartbreaker2196 wrote (03:52a LST):
GREAT episode of The Courtship this week for TRUE BELIEVERS in REAL ROMANCE. It's so obvious that Starcadia and Rembrandt are made for each other! I don't know why anyone even brings up Aurelia anymore. So WHAT if they shared another “meaningful glance” at each other! I don't care that it happened right as Remby went in to kiss her! As you can see on the scoreboard, Aurelia has been kissed zero times. Let's keep track of that as the season goes on. Anyway, what did everyone think about this new kingdom of space-faring elves that just showed up? I wouldn't be surprised if that Thorniforous gentleman tries to work his way between Stari and Remby… Not that it will matter!
Molly Rhinebeck as L.E. Booktok
Maxie Knightley as Lavender Spadeheart and Flip.exe
Lexi Waltner as Marci Campbell
Fabby Garza as Alpha AKA Anna
Mike Painter as Hercule Heavensward
Luke Varner as The GM
Additional Voices by Tyberius Wilson and Crystal Zaslavchik
CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains mind control and gun violence.
Eidolon EDM #0: Character Creation
This week, the second half of Eidolon Playtest sits down to create their characters! Why is everyone so horny?? And boy, is The Conspiracy a remotely good idea? The answers to these questions may or may not be answered in the season to come!
Eidolon VGM #0: Character Creation
The cast of Eidolon VGM—Molly, Lexi, Fabby, Mike, and Maxie—sit down with Luke to build their characters and establish some baseline worldbuilding about LUNA-1, the first city on the moon! Kinda seems like it sucks up there tbh!
Eidolon Playlist Sample - Weezer
We're off for one more week, so please enjoy this free release of a Patreon bonus episode covering (dumping on) the musical stylings of Weezer! If you like what you hear, consider subscribing or upgrading in order to hear more fun bonus podcasts!
Also, buy our game!
GRAB BAG RELEASE - In the Mouth of Madness
This episode was originally released as a bonus episode on our $10 Grab-Bag tier on Patreon! If you enjoy this, consider subscribing or upgrading to hear more great bonus stuff like it!
Also, buy our game!
Read MoreEidolon SKA Post-Mortem
The reflection is not yet complete! The cast of Eidolon SKA sits down to look back on their feelings about another season of Eidolon in the can!
Eidolon DISCO Post-Mortem
We've reached the end of yet another long and winding road! The cast of Eidolon DISCO sits down one last time to reflect on the last two years of the show and to answer your questions!
Eidolon SKA #50: The World Is New
I was sitting and waiting
Just thinking, contemplating
My life when I heard the phone
I picked up the receiver
And I did not believe her
When I heard a voice say you're not alone
When I am down and I am blue
All I have to do
Is close my eyes and think of you
And the world is new
Oh, life was getting hectic
And things were unexpected
When I first received your call
But now it is the best thing
That filled up what was missing
And now my life is envied by all
When I am down and I am blue
All I have to do
Is close my eyes and think of you
And the world is new
Eidolon DISCO #50: I Will Survive
At first I was afraid, I was petrified…
Read MoreEidolon SKA #49: Everyone Else Is an Asshole
"I tried to forgive, I tried to live and let live, but..."
Read MoreEidolon DISCO #49: Life During Wartime
"Heard of a van that's loaded with weapons, packed up and ready to go..."
Eidolon SKA #48: Are You Sure This Is Cool?, Part 2
Read MoreEidolon DISCO #48: Contact
"I don't know whether that does you any good, but there's somethin' out there..."
Eidolon SKA #47: She's Kerosene, Part 3
"She's an arsonist in her pastime, and I've been burned for the last time."