Eidolon VGM #3: Serenity

Heartbreaker2196 wrote (2:28a LST): Every single day you keep logging on to these forums making these stupid posts. Tool-moded? What the hell do you think you're posting from, moron? Just because you're a dolphin scalie(? What the hell do they even call this I don't think dophins have scales??) doesn't mean you're suddenly excluded from the group! But either way? I'm glad you recognize me as the royalty I so obviously am! Anyway, for the rest of you civilized users: I'm glad most of you recognize that Aurelia is obviously a bad influence on anyone she comes into contact with. She's brash, she's foolish, and she's never willing to leave good enough alone. Her ideals are stupid and anyone who likes her is a M O R O N. As far as I'm concerned, she should be written off the show permanently for the good of the rest of the cast. Kia Soul isn't even a good actress.

Mike Painter as Hercule Heavensward
Molly Rhinebeck as L.E. Booktok
Lexi Waltner as Marci Campbell
Fabby Garza as Alpha AKA Anna
Max Knightley as Lavender Spadeheart and Flip.exe
Luke Varner as The GM


CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains allusions to dubiously consensual sex work.