Episode covered: Brief Candle
Kree everyone, and let me tell ya, it’s really hard to talk around the fact that O’Neill fucks a baby in this one. Just gonna put my cards on the table right now about this. Someone went hey, we should have Colonel Jack O’Neill eat a roofie flower pizza and then accidentally have sex with a baby. Then he turns into a prospector and they spend 40-something minutes talking about it.
Over the course of this terrible episode, we’ll also discuss the fact that Dan-El sounds like a kryptonian name, we’ll question how the Argosians can possibly learn anything or have a functioning society in the short lifespans they have, we’ll also notice how quickly they are to turn their entire belief system upside-down as soon as an angry colonel tells them to, and we’ll point out that Pelops is Lovin’ It.
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