57. The Girls' Night out Job with Erika

We’re watching the Girls’ Night Out Job, joined by @fadingroots, we talk about Online Dating, Tango, and ‘Unbridled Debauchery’.

We also discuss three girls one cast, two Parkers, rough season, Captain Marvel disc horse, El Santo, an intrinsic association with Sarah Kerrigan, 15 DLC 4 14, Cass can’t see faces, inconsistent Parkerisation, Nate ‘Daddy Issues’ Ford, the fursona of Craig, Dog-o-Tronic, biscuits, a legitimate strategy, the sole boy-liker, don’t hang your dry-cleaning in the bar, mixing fanfic and canon, we don’t know the situation in Venezuela but John Rogers doesn’t either, why is the Professor buying this USB?, bland good people are idealist teachers, Parker has killed before and will kill again, cold feet, Peggy will kill soon, the Texan in the chat, ‘Book Club’, Argentina isn’t a scary socialism country, the dying platform Tumblr, spicy edit, dance troupe story, lesbian vampire dating online, Long-distance U-Haul lesbian, nothing is gayer than brunch, Sans Interstitialtale, funny, let’s play games, Fabby-Ann’s postcredits scene.

Left at London Revolution Lover
Interstitial season 2
Power Rangers: Beast Morphers
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
For the Honor! She-Ra RPG

28. The Maltese Falcon Job

It’s the Season 2 Finale! We’re watching the Maltese Falcon Job, ask us about room service, bodies in bathtubs, and reunions. And oh boy do we have an episode for y’all.

We also discuss: Spoilers, notetaking, the good but also copaganda show Brooklyn 99, Leslie Knope; of the people, Parker likes girls, nudity and power, Tara is very good (yet again), that smuggler played a cop, mini bobka bobbles, 420 Elliot Spencer, hard hitting fusion commentary, Parker goes on HGA, Hardison’s 90s collection of Banshee comics, the people don’t need to know, the dark web, Parker has killed before and shall kill again, Tara vanishes into thin air, we are all digging Dug, letsstealapodcast.com-not.com.tumbr.au-not.au.com, Cass has to research the ownership of her local theme parks on the fly, a distinct lack of Zerg, the success/lack of success of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Cass’ revenge, the sound a helicopter makes.

Postgame of thrones
War on Waste: Season 1 Recap
Let Me Tell You About Evangelion

27. The Three Strikes Job

We’re watching the Three Strikes Job, we’re talking about fast ball (specials), (people who are not a) crook, and Lucille (ball is life) the van.27. the three strikes job

We also discuss: Winter in Australia, why should we care about Bonano?, Mr Nixon’s absence, Gotham, can we really tell if Culpepper is a republican?, we’ll watch a baseball, full-contact baseball, we all want sandwiches named after us, it’s a sting, the shadow knows, this episode thinks it’s great, Sonic and Pinball, Cass has fursonas?, who is GUN?,  when words sound better in your head, a moment of silence for all fursonas who wear latex.

Adam Savage’s Cosplay videos
Sports anime: Haikyu!!

26. The Future Job

We’re watching the Future Job, we’re talking about bicycles, hot/cold readings, and revenge.

We also discuss Fake Australia, Archie’s dad, P!nk, Rands, mystery game, the team are supportive of their friend Parker, to the pain,  you want the chewy plastic but you need the sour gummies, yadda yadda yadda, socks are still on, video game minutia, Mario’s Time Machine, mold bags. We also chat for a bit afterwards.

Lesbian Vampire Dating Online
American Vandal

25. the Zanzibar Marketplace Job

We’re watching the Zanzibar Marketplace Job, we’re talking about Faberge eggs, Chicken Kiev, and weird elevators.

We also discus: Stone cold in Austin, we have to discus Hardison’s scripting, Friday $13 tattoos, Jim is back, Diplomatic immunity, we continue to see horrible capitalists, water is wet, ParkerBatman, Tara continues to be very good, resituating the egg, Maggie’s bad taste in men, Cass grabs the grenade, TELL HER THE TRUTH, eggs in utopia, Griffin likes Vore, one of Cass’ ants tries to escape.

Kiki and Kitty
Super Zero
Got it memorised Interstitial actual play podcast

23. The Runway Job

We’re Watching the Runway Job, we’re talking about JRPG style Belts, Andre V, and the Hawaii 5-0 drum solo.

We also discuss how Andre V is fictional and no one knew what the question post meant, the Pupcast/Jiminy’s Journal/Frankie Takes off, the show decided not to talk about immigration and good because they wouldn’t do it well, we like Tara, the show is confused that wlw exist, we discuss athiests and the bronies, the cutie marks of the leverage crew, Mondo on 2010’s Project Runway, Cass reluctantly views some of Tetsuya Nomura’s Designs,
Cloud, Donald and Pete, Lulu, DiZ
 Parker knows maths, is Nate/Sophie unhealthy?, free the titty.

Ashley’s Patreon
Hawaii 5-o fill From here

Oxhorn’s Fallout Lore Videos. Helios One, Archimedes II and the Euclid C-Finder
Obiswan Kenobi’s Twitch Account

22. The Lost Heir Job

We’re watching the Lost Heir Job, we’re talking about CEO prison, Colour Blindness, Sexy Librarians.

We also discuss: The weather, the less said about Homestuck the better, Bat/Spider Equivalency, we’re all colour-blind this episode, the team rolls to intimidate, Elliot’s odd moral code, Risking a Mistrial, we get a genetics lesson, Frankie nearly hurts themselves gasping, why did she lie?,  While editing Cass looked up who in Star Trek Jeri Ryan played and she was Seven of Nine and hooo boy, our fave worlds, be the sexy/scary librarian you want to see in the world, there are worse things in the world than the funny vinyl figures with a weird art style, and Do Nate!

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette; CW for discussion of sexual assault, homophobia/slurs and violence,
Tetratower and Itch.io
Battle Chef Brigade
Project Runway Junior