Teenagers With Attitude
“Not Teenagers”
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Season 01
RSS: http://www.audioentropy.com/twa/?category=MMPR1&format=rss
Join us and our friend Dustin, who hath returneth from the Abyss Of Lost Recordings to give us tales of Double Demon Hunters and OP Horses before we settle down to talk about Zack's final attempt to romance Angela using the power of poor characterization, material wealth.... and song!
Episode Discussed: S01E60: An Oyster Stew
Join us and TWA Theme Scribe/Performer Mitchell as we struggle against technical issues to bring you a discussion of Tommy Oliver's crippling, Memento-like memory loss, witness a Putty Training Montage, and cheer on Bulk & Skull's protest against the restrictive societal standards enforced by Mrs. Appleby.
Mitchell gives us his history of watching Power Rangers in Secret, we learn the Secret Origin of Goldar, and Zack reads THE LAST MORPHACNOMINAL EVER.
Episode Discussed: S01E59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOOTBAAAALL? Mike, Luke, Joel, and returning guest Tyberius are! Tommy tries to get over his crippling social anxiety to try out for the football team while literally everyone else on the cast has seemingly no problem with making the team! We learn the sad tale of Ernie's promising football career cut short, watch Bulk try out some sweet Ballet moves, and desperately try to unearth the secrets of the Mysterious Football Rap, all while making copious Space Jam comparisons.
Episode Discussed: S01E58: Football Season
Liz Returns to join us for the introduction of the Lizzinator! Which is not her, its a big dumb monster that talks in a very poor Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, don't get them confused.
This week Jason finds out if putties can drive, we talk about the giant golden statue of Kimberly, we try to puzzle out exactly what the Lizzinator's car fetish entails, and Liz learns things about Matt she'll never be able to forget.
Episode Discussed: S01E57: Enter The Lizzinator
Join us and returning guest Other Zack for the moment you've all been waiting for: Jason V Tommy: Dawn of Biceps, as well as discuss the Moon Crew's rampant alcoholism, Rita's collection of empty Franzia boxes, and the spell breaking power of high fives.
But before that, we catch up with Zack and discuss his unease with Shin Godzilla, a retrospective of Peter Jackson's filmography, and converting his apartment into the hold of a pirate ship.
Episode Discussed: S01E56 On Fins And Needles
Listener Lucas joins us after hunting Zack down like wild game in order to discuss what its like to be a Power Ranger fan who grew up after the show's heyday and talk about Ernie's Youth Soccer Team, the Power Ranger's suspiciously encyclopedic knowledge of all of Angel Grove's small children, and what Bulk & Skull do every day from 3 to 5.
Episode Discussed: S01E55 Second Chance
Join us and previous guests Lau and Tal to discuss an infamous episode from a time littered with Rappin' Grannies and Santas: That's right, the time of the Pumpkin Rapper is upon us. We talk about the weird early 90s landscape of what culture did to rap for a while, talk about how in the universe of Power Rangers, the "most popular game show in the country" is absolute complete nonsense, and discuss the mechanics of Pumpkin Wiggling.
Oh and Luke totally invents a new Pokemon Go craze.
Episode Discussed: S01E54: Trick Or Treat
Join returning guest Graham and new guest Sleepy Jules to discuss Zack's predilection for showmanship and magic, culminating in possibly the stupidest and most confusing monster-fighting plan of all time.
More importantly than that though, let's get down to business: Welcome to International Burger Beef 2016: Jules V Zack in a verbal fight to the death and/or extreme frustration as we take a completely unreasonable amount of time out of the middle of the episode to determine once and for all what, exactly, is a Burger. Or maybe we get exasperated and give up, I forget.
Episode Discussed: S01E53: Fowl Play
We are joined by our friends Josh and Emily from the podcast VGM Jukebox to discuss the crushing dissappointmen of Billy receiving a B, and we try to determine exactly how it is possible that he built a magic flying car, and yet does not know that whales live in the ocean. Josh gives us the bizarro experience of growing up knowing about Sentai but not knowing about Power Rangers, and Emily talks about how important Trini was to her growing up, causing us to let up on Trini for a grand total of about 60 seconds.
Episode Discussed: S01E51: Grumble Bee
Liz returns to join us for an exciting/frightening new era of Zordon's Tutelage as Tommy returns to full Power Ranger status! The Morphin Grid's savior is resurrected and returns in a beam of white light! For the first time, he'll do it again later don't worry. We lay to rest the argument that Billy definitely, for sure doesn't have a mom, and we are witness to Bulk's Clowning achievement.
Episode Discussed: S01E50: Return Of An Old Friend Part 2
Join us and our friend Liz for the momentous, epic, and not at all comically overplayed return of Tommy! It's Parents Day in Angel Grove and that means we meet the hilariously dressed parents of our main characters, discover Jason's dad's arms are literally full hams, learn about the hereditary nature of Bulk's curse, and begin the Great Billy's Mom Debate of 2016!
Episode 49 - Instead Of An Airbag, It's Clowns
Join us and our new vocally Non-American friend Lau as we embark on a discussion of Power Rangers' most Culturally Insensitive if not downright racist episode yet. We discuss the shows wildly misplaced ideas of homogonous "Asian-ness", Honor as some kind of Far East Street Cred Currency, and how dang near everyone involved in the show, including the Japanese production company Toei and even Rita, an evil space witch not from earth, somehow manage to go off the racist deep end
Episode Discussed: S01E48: Plague of The Mantis
We (mostly) overcome technical issues to bring you this episode of Teenagers With Attitude against all odds to bring you the level of quality you expect from us: a solid 4 out of 10. In the episode we learn about Ms. Appleby's rehab recovery, the Rangers deep and pathological mistrust of the future, what exactly is on Zack's 1993 Slammin Tunes CD, and whether or not we've been misgendering Goldar all along.
Episode Discussed: S01E47: Reign of the Jellyfish
The host chair continues to jump around, flea like, and we welcome first time guest Ashley and returning guest Wade as the rangers try to save Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar from his staggeringly poor business acumen and Jason kidnaps a dog, for some reason.
Episode discussed: S01E46: To Flea or not to Flee
Zack's back in the host seat and we welcome new guest and First Time Power Rangers Watcher Hugh to discuss an episode with Goldar getting an all new face and explaining his plan to Rita, preferably in very small words.
Plus, we get down to details on the tenet's of The Cult of Zordon, Mr. Kaplan's new boner pills, and the universal appeal of the space Winnebago while we follow the Rangers to the mountains and watch a surprisingly homoerotic study session while Bulk & Skull pilot the Megazord!
Episode Discussed: S01E45: Crystal of Nightmares
Luke takes the hosting chair this week with Zack out on undisclosed, vaguely baby-related reasons, and the 5 remaining crew members take a podcast joyride and look for the biggest, fastest bus they can find to throw him under.
Join us as we take umbridge with some bulk and skull slash fiction (not for the reason you might think), Luke diggs up some old unused scripts for the show to try to find out if they ever say 'Cut To The Moon', and the crew takes the well thought out and carefully constructed discussion about the movie suits from last week and poops all over it.
Episode Discussed: S01E43: Something Fishy
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: 4 of the 6 original crew are out this week! Zack retrieves Simon from a life of intense Baby-Watching and corrals three guests, Molly, Second Zack, and new friend Dan in order to discuss an episode of power rangers. Or maybe two episodes of Power Rangers simultaneously, depending on who you ask.
Episode Discussed: S01E43: Something Fishy
We welcome the return of our friend Molly, lured back by the promise of baby piggies. The show delivers, with a bonus of a full on Bulk & Skull "Lady and the Tramp" moment, a bunch of adorable bunnies, and extremely questionable animal adoption practices!
Episode Discussed: S01E42: A Pig Surprise
Welcome our first listener-guest, Liz, as we move into the first post-Zyuranger Finale episode of power rangers! Learn the secret if boring origin of the TWA crew as we watch an enormous amount of reused footage, struggle to understand how Ron Wasserman slipped so badly, and learn that Bulk & Skull definitely do not actually know what a toilet is!
Episode Discussed: S01E41: Rita's Seed of Evil
Join us this week as we finish up the momentous Doomsday two parter. Zack is out so Joel, Mike, Luke, and new guest Chris try as hard as possible to convert the podcast into a Superman/Cheese based podcast while the Rangers try to find a way to finally take down Cyclopsis.
Episode Discussed: S01E40: Doomsday Part 2
Join us in this (slightly) delayed episode as we travel back in time in borrowed Power Rangers technology to try to fix the horrible paradox we caused (or possibly Zack just deleted something and we had to re-record, who knows). Hopefully we can cause some chuckles as we try to save the space time continuum from our constant fuckups!
Episode Discussed: S01E39: Doomsday Part 1
Join us as we up the ante from the Power Ranger Punks episode and get an entire evil TEAM of rangers, complete with bad attitudes and gum chewing! As we question if the writers know what the word "evil" means, we'll also learn that Bulk and Skull are the unquestioned Kings of Detention and try to figure out why the hell every adult seems to trust them.
Episode Discussed: S01E38: A Bad Reflection On You
Join us and returning guest Dustin for our second Environmental based episode, which seemes to misunderstand the term 'pollution' even more than the first, and as a bonus we finally discover Trini's personality trait! Unfortunately its not an especially positive one!
Episode Discussed: S01E37: Clean Up Club
Join us as we resume our regularly scheduled program and our regular host, Zack, is joined by our new friend, Zack, to talk about an episode starring the Black Ranger, Zack.
Episode Discussed: S01E36: Birds of a Feather
Join the original 6 Ranger Squad as we witness the end of the Green Ranger and absolutely, 100% for sure the last time Tommy Oliver will ever be on the show. We kind of ignore that to mostly talk about how sad it is Goldar is constantly surrounded by incompetent morons. HE JUST TRIES SO HARD DAMMIT!
Episode Discussed: S01E35: The Green Candle Part 2
We resume our regularly scheduled programming as its the beginning of the end for the Green Ranger. Greg joins us once again to help answer the question: can Rita get out of the way of her own plans for once? No, don't be silly, of course not.
Episode Discussed: S01E34: The Green Candle Part 1
Graham returns as we cover the most confusing Rita monster and the most confusing Bulk & Skull adventure yet in the same episode, and we inexplicably talk about Hannah-Barbara cartoons for far longer than is responsible
Episode Discussed: S01E33: The Yolk's On You
We cool down a bit from last week's 7 podcaster disaster and relax on a beach with a nice calm 4 man dance, a liberal application of suntan lotion, everyone's favorite brand of mayonnaise, and a completely nonsensical Goldar-Helmed weekly plot.
Episode Discussed: S01E32: A Star Is Born
Join us for our first ever 7 person podcast, and very possibly our last! Listen to Zack try to pilot this constantly crashing ship as we talk about Kimberly's Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day, we try to decipher why we love putties so much, and we come to the realization that our listeners have serious problems as they continue to ask us which character on a 1990s kids show we would like to bone down on.
Episode Discussed: S01E31: Calamity Kimberly
We are joined by our buddy Eric (who is not Mitch) to for an episode filled with forced platitudes, innovative pizza consumption strategies, and acapella covers of a certain B-52s song.
Episode Discussed: S01E30: The Rockstar
Wade returns to lay down some sick rhymes and help us close out the Island of Illusion as we work through the Rangers darkest fears. Or at least a version of them that can be introduced and resolved in like, 30 seconds tops. Also, Pierogis.
Episode Discussed: S01E29: Island of Illusion Part 2
Our friend Wade rejoins us as we delve into the strangest two parter yet yet and discuss self confidence, whether working for Rita or Zordon would be worse (as a Wendy's Manager, naturally), and.... we don't like an episode?!?
Episode Discussed: S01E28: Island of Illusion Part 1
We welcome back our friend Molly as we wind our way through our most tangent-ey episode ever, where the Megazord fights an inanimate object, Rita continues her campaign to slowly break down Kimberly emotionally, and Angel Grove High completely misses the point of Rumplestiltzkin.
Episode Discussed: S01E27: Wheel of Misfortune
Our friend Greg returns (On his Birthday even!) To discuss Zordon's most manipulative plot to date, Bulk goes completely off the rails and hires Ninjas off the internet, and we continue our streak of meaningless awards by talking about some of our favorite video games of 2015. That one's not even about Power Rangers!
Episode Discussed S01E26: Gung Ho!
This week join us for the Halloween Episode that's not a Halloween episode as we get our favorite Bulk & Skull montage ever, Alpha escapes the command center, and the costuming department sideways steps into accidental racism once again.
Episode Discussed: S01E25: Life is a Masquerade
This week Rita's plans plunge into straight up Mean Girls territory as she attempts to become as petty as physically possible in her campaign to mentally break down Kimberly. Join us and our new friend Graham as we delve into this sad story, Talk about the newly leaked next Sentai Costumes, and discuss the indescapable terror of Flowers with Cheap Vampire Teeth
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E24: The Spit Flower
This week our new friend Tyberius joins us to show us to talk about Zack, our 90s Black Fashion Ignorance, and teach us about the Opposite Of Malcolm X. Also, a superhero runs away from butterflies
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E23: Itsy Bitsy Spider
We are joined by our new friend Molly as we discuss the most haphazard monster yet in this Squat and Baboo focused episode where we learn their tragic backstory and they just try to stay out of mean 'ol Mama Rita's way.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E22: The Trouble With Shellshock
Jules teleports in from Australia as we complete the first step in our quest to end our eternal podcast curse! As Tommy becomes a good guy, we mourn the passing of the Radbug and wonder just exactly what kind of tunes Tommy is playing on that flute.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E21: Green With Evil - Part 5
We are joined by Jorge in the fourth episode of the Green Ranger Saga, as Haim Saban aims a tactical dissappointment missile directly at Luke's... let's go with heart.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E20: Green With Evil - Part 4
We're joined by new friend Jesse as we continue through the green ranger saga and answer the very most important questions, like, is Tommy evil?
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E19: Green With Evil - Part 3
This week we're hit by the podcast plague, but Wade steps in to help us out as we continue the Green Ranger saga and bask in the wonder of Evil Civilian Tommy, as well as Goldar's interminable taunting.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E18: Green With Evil - Part 2
Dustin joins us once again as we begin the Green Ranger saga and are introduced to the character with the most luxurious hair and the most delightful evil laugh and we learn that none of us are very good at impressions.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E17: Green With Evil - Part 1
This week we welcome Jules back as we tackle probably the worst episode yet... which leads to the most fun discussion somehow! Kimberly and BIlly switch bodies and we have a knock down drag out over a certain theory when new evidence comes to light!
Episode Discussed: S1E16: Switching Places
This week to maximize confusion, we welcome guest Micheal and try to not get the two Mikes and two Zacks confused as we discuss an episode about Trini's uncle that is somehow still centered on Billy?
Episode Discussed: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S1E15: Dark Warrior
Join us and our guest Greg (stepping in for Matt this week) as we discuss the Kimberly's-Uncle-centric episode, the first appearance of Bryan Cranston on the show as a monster, and the best case yet for our Bulk/Skull shipping.
Episode Discussed: S1E14: Foul Play In The Sky
Simon is out and Luke is back, as well as returning guest Dustin. As Dustin becomes increasingly frustrated with Luke's fan theories, we discuss the second in a long line of Billy love interests, incredibly awkward teen romance dialogue, and the chosen faith of moon monsters.
Episode Discussed: S1E13: Peace, Love, and Woe
Boy howdy do we have a show for you this week! Simon returns from the Canadian Internet wastes to join us and our Tokusatsu/Sentai Expert guest Jules for a full on Sentai history lesson, AND we talk about the episode that gave kids all across America uncomfortable feelings when Billy and Kimberly go Punk!
Episode Discussed: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S1E12: Power Ranger Punks
With a few missing team members we welcome our guest, Ian, the artist behind our cool logo thing, to talk about Rita's evil carnival and the idea of Evil Clowns as the standard.
Episode Discussed: S01E11 - No Clowning Around
Simon is out again, but we welcome Replacement Canadian Wade Kruse to the show to debate French Canada vs 'Real' Canada and to talk about Zack's Birthday! No, not the hosts, the character. We promise to stop making that bad joke.
Episode Discussed: S01E10: Happy Birthday Zack
With Simon Internet-Less and Luke Zord-Deep in Metal Gear Solid 5, we welcome a new hero to the discussion and are joined by our friend Dustin Christianson to discuss a disturbing episode of Dolls, Home Invasion, and the best named monster yet.
Episode Discussed: S01E09: For Whom the Bell Trolls
With Matt out we're back to a Five Ranger Squad as we discuss our hopes and dreams for the Power Rangers Reboot Film, and the horror that is a living monster made out of eyeballs.
Episode Discussed: S01E08: I, Eye Guy
Today we tackle the tough issues of child-parent relations, big brother/sister programs, and horribly fat Chicken monsters with giant scissors. Its that kind of episode.
Episode Discussed: S01E07: Big Sisters
We fill out the whole Six Ranger team as we discuss the first episode most of us remember from childhood, featuring a horrifying spherical pig monster.
Episode Discussed: S01E06: Food Fight
This week our cast rotates again due to some Windows 10 issues, and we tackle the introduction of Kimberly's deaf friend and some of the 90s kid show tropes she embodies.
Episode Discussed: S01E05: Different Drum
This week we welcome back Luke, and Simon returns to tell us about his irresponsible toy purchase as we discuss Jason's attempt to break a local exercise record.
Episode Discuss: S01E04: A Pressing Engagement
This week we are joined by a new team member as we watch the Rangers give some half-hearted sentiments about Teamwork and the Environment.
Episode Discussed: S01E03: Teamwork
We get the team back together to discuss Trini getting over her fear of heights, but that doesn't stop us from talking about Multiplicity, adding another nefarious group to Bulk and Skulls growing resume, Billy running a Torrent server, and TIME PUNCHING
Episode Discussed: S01#02: High Five
The 90s hits thick and fast in the first episode of the rewatch, and in this megazord-sized episode we are introduced to our heroes, our villains, and... a floating head? And a robot with a teddy bear?
Episode Discussed: S01E01: Day of the Dumpster
Zack went on vacation and accidentally left behind the keys to the podcast, so the rest of the crew takes it on a joyride. Meanwhile on Power Rangers, Tommy and Jason teach self-defense to middle-aged women and Rita Repulsa misunderstands a common aphorism about as badly as possible, but it's okay because apparently the writers did too.
Episode Discussed: S01 E52: Two Heads are Better Than One