Episode Discussed: S01E53: Fowl Play
Join returning guest Graham and new guest Sleepy Jules to discuss Zack's predilection for showmanship and magic, culminating in possibly the stupidest and most confusing monster-fighting plan of all time.
More importantly than that though, let's get down to business: Welcome to International Burger Beef 2016: Jules V Zack in a verbal fight to the death and/or extreme frustration as we take a completely unreasonable amount of time out of the middle of the episode to determine once and for all what, exactly, is a Burger. Or maybe we get exasperated and give up, I forget.
Along the Way: Graham announces his role in the new movie, Zack fails introduction bits, Hugo Weaving cast as All The Putties, Bulk and Skull give a Kissing Tutorial, Continual Jet Li's The One References
Episode Discussed: S01E53: Fowl Play