Having traveled back and forth through time on his journey, Link has earned the mantle of the Hero of Time, and must face Ganondorf for the fate of Hyrule... even if time is fractured in the process. We discuss Sheik's identity, the distinction between Ganon and Ganondorf, and Cameron finally breaks from the Hyrule Historia to introduce his theory of the Accursed Timeline.
Read MoreEpisode 6: Ocarina of Time: Part 2: The Child of Destiny
Link, the young boy from the forest, drew the Master Sword from its holy pedestal and unlocked the sacred realm for the dark wizard Ganon. After a seven-year stasis, he awakes in a dark future ruled by Ganon, and must gather the Seven Sages to defeat the King of Evil once and for all. We discuss the nature of being a sage, the war crimes committed by the Sheikah, and Twinrova canonically going to heaven.
Read MoreEpisode 6: Ocarina of Time: Part 1: The Boy Without a Fairy
The recently united Kingdom of Hyrule is still recovering from a civil war that raged countless eras. In "The Legend of the Zelda: Ocarina of Time", the 5th canonical Zelda game, the young princess of this fragile kingdom devises a plan to protect it from the machinations of an evil sorcerer-king, with the help of an outcast from the forest. We discuss the hierarchy of forest spirits, the secret old Goron god, and the inherent goofiness of the Child Link sequence.
Read MoreEpisode 5: Dreaming Island
Link, slayer of Ganon, abdicated the divine power of the Triforce and sailed the oceans seeking enlightenment. After being caught in a storm, he awakens on the mysterious, dreamlike Koholint Island, the setting of the 4th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Dreaming Island", the first of the side-story games and the first of the "weird" Zelda titles. We discuss parasomnial metaphysics, theosomnial abiogenesis, and fictosomnial hypercanon.
Read MoreEpisode 4: Triforce of the Gods
Welcome to The Light World, a kingdom created by aliens from a distant nebula, haunted by an evil from a bygone age. A prequel to the NES games, this is the 3rd canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods". We discuss how Link kills human beings, whether he's the bastard child of the Royal Family, and his ability to undo death and remake the universe.
Read MoreEpisode 3: The Adventure of Link
We return to the Little Kingdom of Hyrule in the 2nd canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link". Years later, the courageous youth who defeated Ganon learns of the third kind of triforce, the legend of Zelda, and his own destiny to become a great king.
Read MoreBonus Episode 1: Mailbag
On our very first mailbag episode, we answer all the questions you've sent in so far. Does Tingle fuck? Why is it called The Legend of Zelda? Are Lorule and the Dark World Related? We answer all this and more, plus Cam introduces his theory of the Somnial Nintendo Multiverse.
Read MoreEpisode 2: The Hyrule Fantasy
Welcome to the Little Kingdom of Hyrule, the dangerous setting of the 1st canonical Zelda game, "The Hyrule Fantasy: The Legend of Zelda". Or, is this place even a kingdom at all? Is it some kind of labyrinth built to hide the triforce? Also, is Link a Christian? Tune in to learn about the foundation of the entire Zelda series.
Read MoreEpisode 1: Breath of the Wild
Instead of beginning at the beginning, we begin at the end, by explaining the world of the 19th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild". No one is rightly sure when this game takes place, other than that is long after any other game in the series, in a world seeped in history.
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Archive of the Book of Mudora, spin-off series, and bonus episodes.
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