Episode 19: The Three Triforce Musketeers

The stylish Kingdom of Hytopia is obsessed with fashion, so an evil witch curses the Princess Styla to wear an irremovable, hideous jumpsuit. It’s up to the fabled Tri Force Heroes to find the style necessary to enter the Witch’s Drablands and end her reign of fear over Hytopia. This is the 18th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: The Three Triforce Musketeers". We discuss the Realm of the Gods, the Place Where Lost Things Go, and why this is the most canon game in the series.

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Episode 18: Triforce of the Gods 2

The beautiful sorcerer, Yuga, has come from the kingdom of Lorule to claim Hyrule’s Triforce so that he may attain true beauty. This is the 17th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods 2", the sequel to Triforce of the Gods. We discuss the nature of a sage, the origin of Lorule, and the beginning of the merging timelines.

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Episode 17: Skyward Sword: Part 1: The Wing Ceremony

Thousands of years ago, demons burst forth from the earth to claim the Ultimate Power guarded by the Goddess. Her Grace gathered her followers and sent them skyward, far above the clouds, where they would be safe from the war raging on the surface. Today, the people of Skyloft know nothing but peace. On the 25th anniversary of the Knight Academy, several bright eyed students compete for the title of Champion, but not all of them compete fairly. This is the 16th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword", the earliest game in the timeline of The Legend of Zelda. We discuss shoujo manga, the economy of Skyloft, and Canon Zelink.

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Bonus Episode 8: The Legend of Zelda

The Triforce Wisdom is kept safe within the walls of the North Castle in the Kingdom of Hyrule, while the Triforce Power is held by the evil wizard Ganon in the depths of the underworld. Whoever gets both Triforces will rule this land forever. The Princess Zelda recruits the help of a foreign adventurer, Link, to guard the Triforce Wisdom and recover the Triforce Power from the Prince of Darkness.

We discuss the hidden love rectangle of the show, its place within the canon, and its influence on future entires in the series.

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Episode 16: Train Whistle of the Wide World: Part 1: The Royal Engineer

The Kingdom is beset by the disappearance of the Spirit Tracks, mystical train tracks which bind the Demon King Malladus and provide public transportation.  When the Princess Zelda has her spirit reaved from her body, she and the newest Royal Engineer must depart on a quest to restore the Spirit Tracks and return Zelda's body to its rightful soul. This is the 15th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Train Whistle of the Wide World", the sequel to Hourglass of Dreams. We discuss the name of The Kingdom, the ambiguities of The Kingdom's history, and the relation of the Demon King Malladus to the Demon King Demise.

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Episode 15: Hourglass of Dreams

The Hero of Winds and the Pirate Queen have departed the Great Sea in search of new lands. Their voyage is interrupted by an attack from the Ghost Ship, which sucks them into a whole new ocean. Recruiting the help of the charlatan Linebeck and the fairy Ciela, the refugees of the Great Sea must find a way back home. This is the 14th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Hourglass of Dreams", the sequel to Baton of Winds. We discuss the marginalization of Tetra, the location of the World of the Ocean King, and the fate of Navi.

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