Bonus Episode 21: The prequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is now in development

In the square, the people whisper a tale... not a legend, exactly, certainly not a history, but a story, of warriors from Hyrule, unrivaled in strength yet hopelessly outnumbered, fighting in an apocalyptic age of calamity. We discuss such topics as: What is canon, anyway? What's the deal with Zelda's spells? And why is this evil little egg going to betray you?

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Bonus Episode 20: Mailbag

A lost package has been delivered! We answer the hottest questions of March 2020, such as: What if Twinrova is a recurring phenomenon? Did Link actually become stronger after his resurrection? And, is it possible to share so much suffering that you literally die?

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Bonus Episode 17: Mailbag

On the final mailbag of the Book of Mudora Vol. 1, we tackle such questions as: Is Link responsible for the fate of the Sheikah monks? Where is the homeland of the Rito? And, are the Lost Woods evidence of hollow earth theory?

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Episode 20: Breath of the Wild: Part 6: Death Mountain

The Goron of Death Mountain are plagued by constant volcanic eruptions caused by Divine Beast Vah Rudania, and the Rito are kept grounded by Vah Medoh, who will shoot down anyone who flies too high. To have the best chance to defeat Ganon, Link must tame both of these raging beasts. We discuss Yunobo's attempt to escape oppressive standards of masculinity, how Rito have both hair and feathers, and the continuity of personhood.

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Bonus Episode 12: Mailbag

Monica and Cameron convene to answer all your pressing questions, such as who would be the best Zelda character to enter into marriage with, which Zelda character would they most like to marry, and who in Hyrule would make the best spouse?

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Episode 20: Breath of the Wild: Part 2: Champions

In preparation to fight the coming Calamity, Princess Zelda gathers Champions from the Rito, Zora, Gerudo, and Goron peoples to pilot the Divine Beasts, and Royal Knight Captain Link to wield the Blade of Evil's Bane. We discuss Link being married as a husband to his legal wife Mipha, the wind magic of the Rito, and Urbosa's relationship to Queen Zelda.

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Episode 20: Breath of the Wild: Part 1: Prophecy of Ruin

The shadow of the Calamity grows long across the Kingdom of Hyrule. In preparation for its coming, the Sheikah create an army of Guardians and four Divine Beasts to deliver such a defeat that the Calamity will not return for ten thousand years. Millennia later, a mysterious fortuneteller appears in the royal court, driving the King to uncover the ancient war machines buried deep underground. This is the 19th canonical Zelda game, "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", the latest game in the timeline. We discuss why Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule sucks major eggs, Link being unaware he has a girlfriend, and a mathematical equation to explain Ganon.

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Bonus Episode 11: Philips CD-i

From the multimedia trend of the mid-90s and legal disputes between Nintendo, Sony, and Philips, three non-canonical Zelda titles were born: Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, and Zelda’s Adventure. We explore the lore, fiction, story, world, characters, themes, narrative, and plot of these infamous Fake Zeldas for the Phillips Compact Disc Interactive.

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