Stormlight Reprise 10: A Sword Fairy Would Fix Me

We’re joined by Iris (for the rest of the season in fact) to wrap up Words of Radiance. How cool does the book end? Does Brandon get better at large scale battles? Who dies in the most fucked up way??? We talk about: Iris The Summoner, Pseudoregalia, Truckin’, Dark Souls 2, Trapped, SF. Anti Italian, Amaram Gets Punked, Luke Was Wrong, Cleaning Dirt, Syl Disobeys Her Dad, The Diagram, All The Princes, Shallan Tells, Oathgates, Red Shorts, Fidget Spren, Two Storms, Getting Sky’d, Szeth vs Kaladin, Retcon, Moash Fucked Up,
Pattern Triggers Shallan, Sadeas GETS IT, Road Trip, Future Plans,