Reprise Falls 17: Hit The Bricks

In what we’ve decided is the grand finale of Reprise Falls the girls go to a boy band concert and in the b-plot Dipper breaks up Robbie and Wendy in hopes he can slide in. Guess which group is mocked and which is treated seriously. We talk about: Returnal, Ashley’s Movies, Horizon 5, Doom Eternal, Dipper Is Right, Is This Mind Control, Two Types Of Fat Character, Teen Girls, BMO Gijinka, Dipper Goes For The Rebound, Worst Jobs, Babu Frik on Xbox, We’re Done, What Happens Next, Our New Series,

Reprise Falls 16: Our Worst Show

It’s a body swap episode and we get none of the fun and all of the bad as we start to think Dipper just straight up hates his twin. We talk about: Unsighted Spoilers 3:30-6:13, Carpenter, Forze, Van Helsing, No Washing, Baby Fights, Pig Soos, Does Dipper Hate Mabel, Disney Does Eugenics, Dark Universe, Drive Thru House,

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Reprise Falls 15: Mabel Wins

We got to a Gravity Falls ep that’s actually good! Well, it still has a lot to discuss in a white dude doing a hispanic accent, but it’s a funny ep. We talk about: Inscryption, Hausu Flipper, Unsighted, Metroid, WASD, Pool Episodes, Lifeguards, Matt Chapman, Pool Jail, Can Mermaids Eat Fish, Dipper’s First Kiss, Vampires, Ashley’s Specific Fear

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Reprise Falls 14: You Grabbed My Hand And We Fell Into It


We get told three different stories and each one sucks for a different reason. Is this the worst ep of the show or are we simply done with it’s bullshit. We talk about: Death Stranding, The Forgotten City, Venom, Lazy Writing, Pinball, Native American Jokes, Soos In Depth, Mabel Is Wrong, Comparing GF To Of The Time Shows, Actor Voices, Luke Asks A Dangerous Question,

Reprise Falls 13: Dipper Kills Two People.


Mabel is the #GirlBoss for this ep and takes over the Shack, while Stan goes on vacation. I’m sure this episode will handle capitalism well! We talk about: End of Deathloop, Sable, Gacha Problems, Tales, Possible Unionization, We Just Want Cash Wheel, More Fat Jokes, Rating Boomer, We Like Dipper???, Bad Bosses Are Good, A Lot About Game Shows, Solitary, Cash Cab, MothMan,

Reprise Falls 12: Trick Or Treat Or Die


It’s Summerween! And we’ve picked the worst time of year to watch this honestly classic episode that only has one joke that makes us groan! Also Dipper sucks still. We talk about: Book Essays, Deathloop, Artful Escape, THE Suicide Squad, Tales of Arise, Watermelons, Waddles The Buisnessman, Remember Gorney, What Does Dipper Want, Kid Scary, When Halloween Ended For Us, Loser Candy, Costumes, We Are Babies,

Reprise Falls 11: We Talk About Fetishes Again

In this episode Dipper finally grows up, or more he uses a magic crystal to get bigger. We mostly like this episode that brings Gideon back and has some cool set pieces. We talk about: Who Is Tallest, Crosswords, French Movies, Blasphemous, World Flipper, What Is Mads Up To, Adults Bullying Kids, Re-Listening To Podcasts, Lil Dipper, Invisible Wizard, Molly Fears Murder Hornets, Dumb Hamster, Chekov’s Tickle, Stans Owns Spells R Us, Why Does Mabel Suck, Hall Of Mirrors, Gummi Animals, War Cat, Kicking Cats, The Quiet Man,

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Reprise Falls 9: Everything's Coming Up Mabel


It’s a time travel episode but we’re only focused on that sweet sweet pig. He was worth the wait. We talk about: Luke’s Child Chess Nemesis, Epic Mickey, FF15, Deus Ex, Dunk Tanks, Dipper Messes Up, Luke Nerds Out Over Time Travel, Fate vs Choice, Dipper Wins, Baby Future, Cursed Young Stan, Tight Pants, Kid Designs, End Of Evangelion,

Reprise Falls 8: Presidential Keyblade

We’re getting down right presidential on this ep. SECRET PRESIDENTIAL. The twins manage to unearth a nationwide conspiracy and Grunkle Stan is locked in the stocks. Also more gender jokes! We talk about: Ace Attorney, Returnal, Cruelty Squad, Witness Freak Outs, New Apex, SplitGate, National Treasure, Bird Marriage, Gay Cops, Bullying Children, MILF Enjoyer, Presidents, Mayflower Team, Harmless Conspiracies, Mandela Effects

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Reprise Falls 7: Dipper Origins

Dipper is going after Wendy and the only way he can enact his perfect plan is if there were more of him. Also there’s a magic copy machine. Sure these two plots won’t intersect. We talk about: Luke Is Moved, Breaking Saul, Portland, Bummer Movies, FF15, Silly String, Dipper’s List, DJ Soos, Molly Hates Dipper, Mabel’s Friends, Paper Jam, CatDog Soos, Dipper Beefs It, Teen Parties, Tarot, Clones,

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Reprise Falls 6: Uh Oh All Gender


We watch an episode that fully tackles the trappings of masculinity. After the show has been so weird the last five episodes about gender, tackling it head on should at least make their ideals clear. Right? RIGHT??? We talk about: Luke Snitches On Himself, Sailor Moon, F9, Undertale, Lazy Susan, Picking On A 12 Year Old, Crossdressing Soos, Jewish Minotaur, Montage, Multi-Bear Is LukeCore, Making Susan Creepy, Armadillo Car, Our Training, Fuck Gender

Reprise Falls 5: LSD Dip

We spend a night with some cool older kids at a haunting. Also we get introduced to the Wendy/Dipper plot. We talk about: DieLuke, Roddy Piper, Guilty Gear, Wedny’s Just Cool, Lowest Run On The Friend Ladder, Old Movies, Dipper Vents, The Popular Wells, Triggering The Haunt, Fake Goth, Racists Ghost, How Old Is Wendy, 3D Doritos, Creepy Zelda, Bullying Luke

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Reprise Falls 4: Peter Griffin Energy

We’re introduced to our first major villain as Gideon opens his tent of telepathy. We talk about: Guilt of Gear, Genshin Impact, Zelda Theories, Devolver, Ratchet/Clank, GB GOTY, Molly Hates This Freak, Gender Neutral Niece, GF Masculinity, Stan Sharing Money, Magic Amulet, Gideon Merch, S&P, Ripping Contracts, Rumble Robots,

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Reprise Falls 3: Ducktective

There’s a mystery and a wax museum and both have more to them than meets the eye. We also wonder if this is the first not great ep. We talk about: GAME GRLZ 5430: Do We Really Care, Dimension 20, Lost Odyssey, Wax Figure Construction, We Talk More Fatphobia And Gay Jokes, Crow Attack 2, Gnat Car, KHUX, Mario Sneezes,Toby Determined, #JusticeForWaxStan, Bunny Bugs-isms, Horror Movies,

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Reprise Falls 2: Butt Island

We head out on a fishing trip as Stan wants to spend quality time and the kids chase a monster. We talk about: Overboard, No Cuts, Asura’s Wrath, Cats Cast, Crows, Fishing Hole, Is Soos A Fat Joke, Beavers, Glass Pane Jokes, Mecha, MIB, Sex Ed, Thicc Mothman

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Reprise Falls 1: Worst Catfishing


It’s the newest season of Totally Reprise and it’s all about the little sleepy town of Gravity Falls. We’re learning all about the Pine twins and how they fit into a town full of mystery. We talk about: Puppets, Marvel Lego, Ryan Reynolds Sucks, Home Games, Old JRPGs, Reaction Image Debut, James Baxter, Is Mabel Too Much, Normal Man, Clogged Outhouse, Summer Sweater, We Love Soos, Gnome Marriage, Iconic Cap, Six Fingers, Finding Stuff In The Woods, Wall Drug, St Augustine,