Hey Putty Patrollers, Join us friend of the show Dustin, our new friend Megan, Jules and Zack for a bonus episode about Akibaranger! We get pretty ribald and talk about one of the weirder peices of Toei history. For real NSFW on this one, I mean it this time!
Read MoreEpisode 33 - Bulk and Skull's Eggcelent Adventure
Graham returns as we cover the most confusing Rita monster and the most confusing Bulk & Skull adventure yet in the same episode, and we inexplicably talk about Hannah-Barbara cartoons for far longer than is responsible
Episode Discussed: S01E33: The Yolk's On You
Episode 32 - Fictitious Mayonnaise
We cool down a bit from last week's 7 podcaster disaster and relax on a beach with a nice calm 4 man dance, a liberal application of suntan lotion, everyone's favorite brand of mayonnaise, and a completely nonsensical Goldar-Helmed weekly plot.
Episode Discussed: S01E32: A Star Is Born
Episode 31 - And Now I Have A Nosebleed
Join us for our first ever 7 person podcast, and very possibly our last! Listen to Zack try to pilot this constantly crashing ship as we talk about Kimberly's Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day, we try to decipher why we love putties so much, and we come to the realization that our listeners have serious problems as they continue to ask us which character on a 1990s kids show we would like to bone down on.
Episode Discussed: S01E31: Calamity Kimberly
Episode 30 - Protective Pizza Buffer
We are joined by our buddy Eric (who is not Mitch) to for an episode filled with forced platitudes, innovative pizza consumption strategies, and acapella covers of a certain B-52s song.
Episode Discussed: S01E30: The Rockstar
Episode 29 - Boba Fett Doesnt Do Shit
Wade returns to lay down some sick rhymes and help us close out the Island of Illusion as we work through the Rangers darkest fears. Or at least a version of them that can be introduced and resolved in like, 30 seconds tops. Also, Pierogis.
Episode Discussed: S01E29: Island of Illusion Part 2
Episode 28 - Angel Grove Castle Doctrine
Our friend Wade rejoins us as we delve into the strangest two parter yet yet and discuss self confidence, whether working for Rita or Zordon would be worse (as a Wendy's Manager, naturally), and.... we don't like an episode?!?
Episode Discussed: S01E28: Island of Illusion Part 1
Episode 27 - Dead Kimberly Storage
We welcome back our friend Molly as we wind our way through our most tangent-ey episode ever, where the Megazord fights an inanimate object, Rita continues her campaign to slowly break down Kimberly emotionally, and Angel Grove High completely misses the point of Rumplestiltzkin.
Episode Discussed: S01E27: Wheel of Misfortune
Bonus 7 - Flabber Is The Worst
In this long overdue bonus episode, we're finally finishing the opening two-parter to Big Bad Beetleborgs! Mike brings returning guests Tyberius, Molly, Jules, and Greg together to discuss just how much we all hate Flabber.
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Episode 26 - Craigslist Ninjas
Our friend Greg returns (On his Birthday even!) To discuss Zordon's most manipulative plot to date, Bulk goes completely off the rails and hires Ninjas off the internet, and we continue our streak of meaningless awards by talking about some of our favorite video games of 2015. That one's not even about Power Rangers!
Episode Discussed S01E26: Gung Ho!
Episode 25 - I Love To Get Nasty
This week join us for the Halloween Episode that's not a Halloween episode as we get our favorite Bulk & Skull montage ever, Alpha escapes the command center, and the costuming department sideways steps into accidental racism once again.
Episode Discussed: S01E25: Life is a Masquerade
Episode 24 - Zordon's Cloaca
This week Rita's plans plunge into straight up Mean Girls territory as she attempts to become as petty as physically possible in her campaign to mentally break down Kimberly. Join us and our new friend Graham as we delve into this sad story, Talk about the newly leaked next Sentai Costumes, and discuss the indescapable terror of Flowers with Cheap Vampire Teeth
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E24: The Spit Flower
Episode 23 - This Statue is Bullshit
This week our new friend Tyberius joins us to show us to talk about Zack, our 90s Black Fashion Ignorance, and teach us about the Opposite Of Malcolm X. Also, a superhero runs away from butterflies
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E23: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Bonus 6 - Up To My Dentures In Kinderlach
Happy Holidays, Putty Patrollers! Just in time for it to already be over, Mike, Zack, Joel, Molly, and newcomer Tal gather around the menorah to talk about the Chanukah episode of Rugrats.
Read MoreBonus 5 - Haunted by Bob Marley
On this bonus episode of TWA, Dustin, Jules, Zack, and Mike take a trip from Exposition Town to Bulge City as they discuss the second episode of the original Garo!
Read MoreEpisode 22 - Spontaneous Hot Dog Cart Generation
We are joined by our new friend Molly as we discuss the most haphazard monster yet in this Squat and Baboo focused episode where we learn their tragic backstory and they just try to stay out of mean 'ol Mama Rita's way.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E22: The Trouble With Shellshock
Episode 21 - I Have No Mouth But I Must Morph
Jules teleports in from Australia as we complete the first step in our quest to end our eternal podcast curse! As Tommy becomes a good guy, we mourn the passing of the Radbug and wonder just exactly what kind of tunes Tommy is playing on that flute.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E21: Green With Evil - Part 5
Episode 20 - You're Not Thinking Morphdimensionally!
We are joined by Jorge in the fourth episode of the Green Ranger Saga, as Haim Saban aims a tactical dissappointment missile directly at Luke's... let's go with heart.
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E20: Green With Evil - Part 4
Bonus 4 - Check It Out!
This week, returning guest Dustin hosts a bonus episode about Garo, the show that takes tokusatsu and tries to make it dark and gritty. Does it succeed? You may actually be surprised!
Read MoreEpisode 19- Repulsa Family Values
We're joined by new friend Jesse as we continue through the green ranger saga and answer the very most important questions, like, is Tommy evil?
Episode Discussed: MMPR S1E19: Green With Evil - Part 3