Episode 282 - NFPA and Simon Approved

We get another evil ranger episode but this time we get Good Villain? This episode has some intentionally good comedy, stupid future technology, and Simon really really likes one fairly dubious joke.

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Episode 280 - V-G-E-R

New Zords! Really cool stop motion models! Out of character Andros! Fuckin, Gundam mech action! Its a really fun episode and one of the better upgrade episodes in a long time!

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Episode 277 - Geena Get Your Gun

Its a Mike and Zack special as we meet a new villain and Carlos gets transformed into a new monster, which seems to be his main team roll.

Fun creepy vibes in the episode but we sure do hate Darkonda’s face!

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Episode 275 - Professor Dipshit Strikes Again

Our editor Eric has had it up to here with Professor Phenomenus, and so have the rest of us. Our friend AJ joins us as we attempt to puzzle out what in the hell purpose an alien scientist could possibly have for an Evilization ray.

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Bready, Set, Go! - Episode 3

Gluten Tag, fellow Breadheads!

Zack is back once again to discuss all his favorite aspects of bread. Patreon members will be able to get exclusive access to his bonus episode on water, so smash that like and subscribe button, and keep it yeasty.

Episode Runtime: 69 minutes 420 milliseconds

Tags: Bread, Bready, Crazy Bread, Bread Again, Joker’s Bread, Whole Wheat, It Do Bake Like That Sometimes


Bonus 48 - Theatre of the Moon and Mind Act II

We had some scheduling stuff go on and rather than leave you hanging Eric is back to give you some more of what you’re REALLY here for: Voice Acted Highlander Fanfiction.

Eric shows off his acting chops and more importantly his reading chops as he grinds through another chapter.

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